Chapter Eleven

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The first thought that came to me was "He smells a bit different.". No kidding. We all turned around to greet-more like glare at- him. I had to stop myself from gasping. All I can say is... he must have been working out.

He looked at each member of my pack, his blue eyes widening once they saw me. His mouth whispered the one word I was hoping it wouldn't.


"Jessie?" He walked slowly towards me, not even noticing my pack's inaudible growls. There were humans in this school. It took all I had in me to say "Um... sorry. Wrong person." I then turned around and walked away. My pack, no doubt, following me.

I knew that Noah hadn't moved an inch as I walked away. I also knew that he was feeling a slight pain where his heart was. Because so was I.

As soon as we were far enough from him, Ashley hugged me. We were in the school lobby, to get our schedules.

We only needed one, really. Since we were all in the same classes except the last one which was dedicated to the different activities each one of us wanted. We each had chosen a different subject. I had obviously taken art.

School passes by in a daze. Noah, fortunately, didn't have any class with me. The school had changed a lot. Too much to describe, really.

Ashley had promised to take me for coffee after school, which was fine by me. There was no practice today as a lot of the teenagers had suddenly fallen in. Shocking.

The art classroom was just as it was before I left. It was like nothing had changed. Except that we had a new teacher. And lesser students.

It was as I was getting into Ashley's car that I realised- nothing too bad had happened today. Which was new. The day had gone without much trouble, as no one even recognized me. Yeah, they were staring but everyone stares at the newbie, right? So I guess it's safe to say that it isn't going to be too bad. Living this new life, I mean. So I'm probably gonna be safe here, right?


Boy, was I so wrong to think that even for a second I could be normal.

That day, when Ashley took me to the coffee shop, all I could think about was how hopeful Noah was to see me. I mean, when he thought I was Jessie. He had this expression on his face like he was thinking Yes! Finally, another chance!

But all thoughts of Noah drifted out of my mind when someone entered the coffee shop. Someone I thought I was never gonna see again. Someone who was my only friend -other than Evan. Someone who I had known only for six days and yet he had taken my first kiss and then disappeared like a speck of dust.


I couldn't believe it. What is he doing here? I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He had changed a lot, which made me wonder, how could I know immediately that he was Jace? Could be some other guy who just happened to look similar. I mean, he had left this town a long time ago.

I looked around to get Ashley and get out of here, only to remember that Ashley had gone to the bathroom.

Darn it! Out of all the times, why now?

I quickly took the menu and hid my face, pretending to read it. And then I heard his voice, which made me catch my breath.

"A Double-Chocolate Frapp, please."

Jace loved chocolate. He always said that he'd buy me one once he got his allowance. I was only 12 and he, 13. We had spent his allowance when he'd bought us movie tickets for Toy Story!

Oh, my God! It is Jace! What is he doing here?! I peeked at him from the top of the menu. He was sitting on the table in front of me, right next to the window. I saw his eyes as he looked out the window.

His eyes...

Oh, don't get me started on his eyes.

They were a light shade of gray, probably silver. They seemed to pierce right through your soul. Yeah, you must have read that over a thousand times but I am not joking. They were just so... I can't even describe it. And the way they glowed in the sunlight... wow.

His eyes, I noticed, were now scanning the coffee shop. I had barely recovered from oogling at his eyes that I put the menu up to hide my face at the last moment.

I knew for a fact that he was suspicious about me as I heard a sharp intake of breath. Unfortunately, that's exactly when Ashley decided to pop out of the bathroom, a slight skip in her step. You can never know with that girl...

"Hey, Je- uh Allie! Um, did you order yet?" I shook my head. I didn't want him to here my voice. He'd know. He has a good memory. He told me so himself. A long time ago, but whatever.

Ashley barely noticed though, that I was trying to hide my face from a certain customer.

She just sat down on her chair and called a waiter. While she flirted with him-old habits die hard- I peeked over at Jace's table. He was now intently staring at the menu that I was still holding up to my face. He saw me peeking! Gosh! He saw me!

As his stormy eyes made contact with mine, I couldn't look away. His eyes... how could they be so gorgeous? I saw many emotions flicker through them. Surprise, wonder, curiosity, happiness -he was happy to see me! I had no idea why I was so excited about the fact that he was happy to see me. I mean, it's not such a big deal. We were just friends when we were younger. And he also took my first kiss. So what?

I also found it weird that I could read all his emotions like a book. I wondered if it was same for him. But there was one thing that bugged me. There was this look in his eyes, that I didn't understand. And I wanted to. Believe me, I did.

I also knew for a fact that if I didn't get out of there now, Jace would get involved in my life. And as we all know, my life isn't exactly a joyride.

Jace was only human, I had to remind myself. He was a normal boy while I wasn't a normal girl.

My life would be too dangerous for him.

As soon as the waiter got our drinks- which was as soon as my little eye contact session with Jace was over. How long were we staring at each other?- I grabbed Ashley by her hand, and shot out of the coffee shop- in human speed, of course- I gave one last look at him, thinking that this would be the last time I ever saw him.

Only if I knew how wrong I was.

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