Chapter Twenty-Three - Come To Me

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The Reject – Chapter Twenty Four – Come To Me

I'll be kind, if you'll be faithful
You be sweet and I'll be grateful
Cover me with kisses dear
Lighten up the atmosphere
Keep me warm inside our bed
I got dreams of you all through my head
Fortune teller said I'd be free
And that's the day you came to me
Came to me-
Goo Goo Dolls ~ Come To Me

Three days after the incident, was a two-week break. I spent the time in my room, or the living room thinking of what was to happen now that Noah knew I was Jessie, his mate. After telling my pack that I was taking a break from life as well, I refused to talk more than three-word sentences. After the break, I decided to get refreshed and not worry too much. Go along with the flow. But what if the flow is filled with giant obstacles… like school?

Our time-tables were shuffled as the break finished, which meant I had lesser classes with Ashley-thank goodness- but 4 subjects were with Jace. How did I know? ‘Cause of Jace’s stalker, Queen Ashley. Not too good, especially when Noah had no classes with me, except chemistry. Perfect.

I walked towards my English class, wondering if I should act happy or neutral. I stopped by my locker on the way and took out my textbook. A sticky note fell out and I sighed, picking it up.

A LOT of props need painting, ASAP.
-Mrs C

I crushed it and threw it behind me. There were barely any students and I was late. I leaned my head against my locker after shutting it. I want to go back. I sighed again and heard something rustle behind me. I jumped and turned around ready to fight if needed, only to see Jace looking at me with a puzzled expression. It was a new look on his face and I seemed to relax for an unknown reason. Before I could ask him was he was doing out of class so late, he started.

‘Mrs C is looking for you.’ Oh hi! I’m good, how are you too?

‘Why?’ I asked, slightly insulted by his behaviour. ‘Tell her I have English class.’ I turned, walking towards the English classroom again. ‘We have a free track; Mrs Juliet is absent.’ I stopped walking and turned towards him, giving him a slight glare. Why is he so annoying? ‘What does Mrs C want?’ I huffed. He started walking towards the drama room and spoke ‘The drama is in a few days and we have to finish up with the props for the inspection. She’s getting nervous but don’t tell her that. She freaks out easily these days.’ Wow. ‘These days? You were coming during the holidays as well?’

He shrugged ‘Someone had to make the props and I was bored so…’ We had entered the drama room and I was shocked. Most of the props were fully done and there was barely any work left to do. I looked at him ‘Work of boredom, huh?’ He gave a smile ‘Yeah.’ There was a loud bang of doors and Mrs C entered the room. She had dark circles and she looked like she could use some sleep. ‘Jessie! Come here! Quick! You too, Jace! We need to work fast! There’s only 7 days left and we’ll have to go on stage! It’s too much! Call the students! Where are the actors? WE NEED THEM!’ All this she said as soon as she saw me. As if on cue, members of the drama club poured in and crowded around Mrs C. She yelled for everyone to get to work to hold a rehearsal. I got to work with the leftover props. Totally uninterested in the play, I was engrossed in my work until the drama club had tea time, sponsored by the school. I put my paint brush down and sat on the floor. So tiring.

‘Here, have some.’ I looked up to see Jace holding up two tumblers of juice. I took some and drank it up. ‘Thanks. I needed that.’ I cracked my knuckles, and sat cross-legged. Jace sat down next to me, surprising me. ‘Nice job on the painting.’ I nodded my head. Mrs C had made everyone go out as to not let spilled tea or juice ruin the room but somehow Jace must have escaped her eyes, or she didn’t mind him. Probably the latter. ‘So… how are you?’ Jace broke the silence. I looked at him, puzzled. ‘I’m fine. Why?’ He shrugged ‘You weren’t coming to school and Ashley said you weren’t well.’ He asked Ashley, too? ‘Yeah… I just… I was dizzy, so… my friends made me rest and then there was the break, so I missed a lot. Why, did anything happen while I was gone?’ His eyes focused on my face, making me freeze. He turned his body towards mine and he moved closer. I could feel my heart rate increasing. I-is he gonna kiss me? His head was coming closer and closer. ‘J-Jace…’ What is he doing! His hand moved towards my cheek and his thumb grazed my cheek. ‘Wh-what…!’ He removed his hand and showed me his thumb, a smile making its way on his face. ‘There was paint on your face.’ He said as I stared at his thumb. Yo-you fool! I wanted to yell at him, but I felt my face burning like coal. He-He’s smiling! I managed to turn my face into a scowl, and he smirked. Back to how we were before. This cow! How did he manage to just… ugh! There was a loud noise and I snapped my head to see Noah enter the room. He saw the small distance between me and Jace and I noticed hurt flash across his face, before it turned to anger, and then nothing. Mate.

‘Allyn, can I talk to you?’ He said and my eyes widened. Talk? Noah? Me? I looked at Jace. His expression was neutral. Wait, why am I looking at Jace? I stood up, making my mind.

‘Yeah, sure.’ I muttered, walking towards him, refusing eye-contact. ‘Wait.’ I snapped my head towards Jace’s voice. ‘I’ll move out.’ He said and I felt disappointment for a second. I nodded and he walked past Noah and me, and out the door. Noah cleared his throat and I looked at him. ‘So… you’re Jessie, huh?’ I choked. ‘Wh-what!’ I was NOT expecting him to be so direct. ‘You okay?’ he asked and I nodded, regaining my composure. ‘Yes.’

‘You sure? You want water or something?’

‘I mean, yes, I am Jessie!’ I moved the fringes from my face and finally made eye-contact with Noah. He gulped. ‘Wow.’

‘Yeah… wow.’

He looked at me ‘You’ve changed… a lot.’

I glared at him ‘You mean I finally got a backbone? Look thanks for saving me, I hope it wasn’t too painful but I’m not interested in becoming besties with you after what your amazing friends were so nice to me. I have to go now, I have to finish up with props. See you some other time.’ As I walked back to the unfinished props scattered on the floor, Noah grabbed my elbow.


‘What do you-‘ I stopped mid-sentence as I saw the look on Noah’s face. He was… desperate. Am I being too mean?

‘Noah…’ ‘Jessie, I am sorry for all that happened when you were here. I promise you that I regretted all this time after you left this pack. I stopped hanging out with my friends, and I became alone. It wasn’t until Mama Ebony kicked me out of the pack house for a leave of a month that I became normal again. When you returned as “Allyn”, I tried to go out with people once again because it hurt too much but it didn’t help at all. Then I saw you, in the middle of the race. I was running faster than usual, that day. I just… it wasn’t about winning, no… I just knew something bad was going to happen and I had to reach before it happened. And there you were. You were like a deer caught in the headlights. I jumped on you, and it was like a reflex. Yeah, it hurt but I couldn’t help myself. I’m sorry for what I did to you, Jessie. I swear I am. But I’ve changed now and I… I want another chance with you. Please, give me another chance.’

‘Sure.’ I said and we kissed and lived happily ever after.

The End.


‘Noah…’ What was that… ugh. All this is so confusing! I want to bang my head against the wall.

‘I… I need time.’ I said and he left my hand. ‘Of course.’ He replied and walked out with a last look.

I just stood there, never knowing what to do. Why is life like this? Noah is asking for another chance? Everyone deserves a second chance but I’m not sure I want to give it to him. This sucks. A few minutes later, I shook my head and walked out. Everyone was in their groups, enjoying the company of their friends in the long break. Noah was n where to be seen. I spotted Jace. He spotted me. Ashley was with him, talking about something. His eyes didn’t leave mine.

I just stood there, never knowing what to do. He smiled at me and I felt a little better about life.

All your awesome votes and comments really helped. Thanks a lot. So I’m in boarding school now. I returned home for a holiday and was greeted by a new laptop! I’ve been begging my parents for months so that I‘m able to write more chapters and finally! It’s only because of the number of votes and comments so THANK YOU ALL SOOO MUCH! I’ll try my best to post more chapters of The Reject, really! And this chapter might not be the best; in fact it might not be nice at all due to my lack of practice but I SWEAR I’ll try to get better so please bear with me and thanks! Do vote and comment, it does help. See you again soon! 

Next chapter will be updated super fast and will include more of Jace!

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