Chapter Nineteen - Somebody That I Used To Know

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But you didn't have to cut me off

Make out like it never happened and that we were nothing
And I don't even need your love
But you treat me like a stranger and that feels so rough
No you didn't have to stoop so low
Have your friends collect your records and then change your number
I guess that I don't need that though
Now you're just somebody that I used to know ~ Somebody that I Used To Know - Gotye Feat. Kimbra

The Reject - Chapter Nineteen

'Eww! No way am I shopping from there!' Ashley hissed, a disgusted look on her face. 'Why not? I always shop from there!'

'That's why more guys are after me.' she sighed, making me frown, and added 'You have horrible fashion sense.' Well, sorry not to inform you Ashley, but over a twenty guys from this town had already asked me for dates, only to be rejected, even though I didn't want to hurt them. But what's a relationship if I don't even like them like that?

I glared at her 'Are you doing this for Jace or other guys?'

She sighed, annoyed 'Why can't I do this for Jace and the other guys? It's good to be a...' her eyes roamed my body, a disapproving look in her eyes 'Pleasant sight for eyes, don't you think?'

Um, hello? Obvious much?

'Then... Be selfish for once and think of yourself instead of what others think of you.' I muttered as I pushed her into the store.


'Okay guys!' I grinned at my pack sitting in the living room, waiting excitedly for the show.

'Are you ready, for the new...' and better 'Ashley!' On cue, Ashley strutted out with her first converse shoes, from behind the unleveled curtain held by Lily and Katie.

There were gasps, alright. But I wasn't surprised. Ashley had changed. 

She was wearing dark blue skinny jeans, a long white shirt which was mostly covered up by a full buttery white sweater, and black major heels.

I, myself, had changed my sense of fashion. I wasn't wearing shorts and a tank top at the moment. Instead, I had on a short, flowy dress, which was also a buttery white color, along with an adorable sweater and black burgundy tights. A long necklace was around my neck and I had on cute, dark and light bracelets on my wrists.

'Okay,' Ashley said, a bored expression on her face, though her ears were red 'How's this,' she waved her hands over her body 'Gonna help me get Jace?'

I smirked at her 'Oh, don't you worry about that,' there were gulps from my pack sitting behind me 'You'll get him no problem.'


'Ashley, get out of the damn car!' Katie hissed at the closed window or Ashley's car.
'Hey, no cussing!' Sam's mutter was ignored.
'What's going on here?'
'Grey! You're finally here! Where's J-Al?'
'Hey, what's going on here?' I asked as I jogged towards them.
'She won't get out of the damn car!'
'Hey, no cussing!' she rolled her eyes at me. 'I said the same thing!' I high-fived Sam.
'Seriously, I'd never thought Katie could yell like that.' I looked at her, cautiously. 
'Oh, she can yell a lot better.' Sam wriggled his eyebrows suggestively, making me and everyone else laugh. Except Katie and Ashley, that is.
I sighed 'So, she's not getting out?'
Katie and Lily shook their heads, looking like sad puppies, making their mates hug them, and me look away.
'You better get out of there if you don't want me to smash your car, Ashley.' I mumbled.
We all heard a growl and the door opened, stepped out Ashley with her new look. 

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