Chapter Thirty Four Preview

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I woke up and immediately put my fingers to my lips as a smile came over them.

Jace and I kissed.

Feeling giddy, I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up. The girls had woken me up when they had left but I had gone right back to sleep as it was too early. Jace wouldn't have been up at that time anyway, since we had returned so late to our rooms last night.

I giggled unattractively, thinking about what had happened and what was to happen. I have to look good today. I stopped suddenly when I realized... does this mean Jace and I are dating?

I continued my train of thought inside the bathroom as I brushed my teeth.

Is he my boyfriend now?

I looked at myself in the mirror. So you finally have a boyfriend now, huh Jessie?

I felt a pang in my chest. No, not Jessie. Jace likes Allyn.

I sighed as I got into the shower.

Whatever. We kissed. And the butterflies in my stomach returned.

Today was the last performance before ours and everyone was pretty nervous. The restaurant in the huge hotel responsible for breakfast was full of students and they were serving a buffet. My eyes immediately searched for Jace as soon as I entered but he was nowhere to be seen.

Where is he? I thought as I bit my lip. I shrugged. Oh well, I'm gonna see him soon anyway. I quickly gobbled down the breakfast and realized that I hadn't seen Ashley anywhere either. Weird. Where is everyone I know? Just then...

'Allyn! There you are!' Mrs. C's voice called out and I snapped my head towards her approaching figure. 'Good morning, dear!' I gave her a smile and a wave as she came over to the table I had occupied.

'Oh goodness, Allyn! I can't believe we're finally here!' the smile on her face was huge but I noticed her shaky behaviour and slightly higher pitched voice. She was nervous. I grinned. She's worked hard for tomorrow. 'Me neither, Mrs. C,' I put my hand over her shaking one for a few seconds before taking it back, trying to comfort her. 'Tomorrow is going to be awesome! Everything is ready, isn't it?' I asked, trying to calm her a bit. She nodded enthusiastically 'It better go well! We've all worked hard enough to win!'

We talked a bit about tomorrow and I managed to ask about Jace. She said that she hadn't seen him the entire morning, which made me worry.

"Where is that human boy?" I thought as I walked around the hotel corridors, looking for him. Then a thought occurred to me that made me freeze.

Did he leave... again?

My heartbeat quickened and I took a deep breath.

Is he going to disappear again?

'No! I will find him!' I told myself before I began running through the hotel, trying to find his scent. I was so bent on finding Jace's smell, that I didn't realize another familiar scent mixed in the air near me; the scent of my Alpha.

My footsteps sounded on the carpeted floor of the corridors of the hotel.

I can't let him disappear again.

My breathing had quickened, not because of me running, but because of the very thought of not seeing Jace again.

I had just got him back!

Just as I rounded a corner, I slowed my steps as I saw the one I was looking for. A smile lit up my face as I watched Jace. He was standing by a window, looking out at the view.

I knew he hadn't left.

My feet began moving again but my eyes stayed fixed on Jace's back.

My boyfriend is so handsome. I thought, feeling my ears burn slightly as I walked towards him.

I wonder why he likes looking out windows so much. Even in class, he's always looking out.

He didn't move as I reached him. I rested my hands on the window sill and looked outside. I felt a surge of happiness in my chest. This is the same view of yesterday, but now the town lights weren't glowing golden anymore. We didn't make a sound as we observed the scenery. After a few seconds, I looked at Jace instead and tried to memorize every feature of the side of his face. I wonder if I'm allowed to freely stare at him now.

My thoughts wondered as I watched the boy next to me. Something had changed now... the way his straight nose had become slightly more defined since he was 13, the way his jawline made me want to lean out and trail kisses up it, the way I wanted to run my hands through his hair and... and... I blushed.

I'm allowed to have these thoughts now right? I mean, Jace likes me too, right? So that means I can reach out right now and- a sharp pain shot through my chest and I gasped the same time Jace spoke up.

'You... you lied again.'

Full chapter will be up soon! :D

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