Chapter Two: Never Too Late

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The Reject: Chapter Two

This is the way that I'll tell you
That I'll leave you alone if you want me to
But I've had enough of this life alone
I'll give it up this time I know
I don't deserve to tell you that I love you
There's nothing in this world I'd take above you
I'm dead inside

Bring me back to life ~ Never Too Late- Secondhand Serenade
(*Wipes tear*)

Jessie’s POV

I can’t believe I did it! I have finally reached the border! I could feel it! There’s something like an invisible wall that tells us that we’ve reached the border of this territory.

As soon as I step through the wall, I will be free from my pack. No ties will remain. I took a deep breath and I was about to step through it I heard a familiar tune. I took a step back.

Are we supposed to hear music when we’re crossing the boundary? I asked my wolf.

“I don’t think so.”

Then I heard singing right behind me. It was really familiar. It took my about thirty seconds to realize that my phone was ringing. I quickly removed it from my bag and accepted the call, forgetting to check the ID.

“Hello?” I asked.

“Jessica? Jessie, Jessica! Are you okay?” a male voice asked.

“Evan! I’m fine and don’t worry.” I tried to comfort him.

“Don’t worry? Don’t worry? You freaking ran away! Do you know what happens once you cross the boundary? You become a rogue!”

“I do know that and I want to. How’s Mama Ebony? Vas’ going on there?” I tried to lighten the mood.

“What’s going on here? Please, Mom was crying so badly, she’s asleep now. Come back, Jess.” You know that feeling you get when you forgot to do your homework, or when you’re in a holiday and you think of school, that terrible, horrible feeling? Yeah, it’s really not needed right now.

“I… I can’t.” My voice broke when I thought of Mama crying. How could I be so selfish? To hurt her of all people!

“Why not? It will be better, I promise! And you’re also the Alpha’s mate! Everyone will treat you right from now on.”

“No. I won’t. I don’t want to be his mate. No!” I got angry by just thinking of Noah teasing and shoving me from all these years. I shook my head and walked right through the boundary. The effect was immediate. I felt that I could breathe. It was like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

But the guilt never left.

“Please Jessica! Please!” he begged. I snapped back to reality.

“It’s too late.” I whispered “I’m a rogue.”

That’s all I said before hanging up and putting my mobile safely in my bag. That’s when I began my journey to the center of the Earth.

Just kidding!

Third Person’s POV

The Pack House (Or The House of Chaos)

Noah, Jaden and the trackers were searching for Jessica and the others were in the huge living room. Mama Ebony was sleeping on the couch. She had cried herself to sleep while looking at beautiful paintings. Everyone was trying to listen to the conversation that Evan was having with Jessica.

“Why not? It will be better, I promise! And you’re also the Alpha’s mate! Everyone will treat you right from now on.” Evan needed her to come back. He wanted to feel his little sister in his arms.

“No. I won’t. I don’t want to be his mate. No!” She yelled and he knew. He knew that her life must have been Hell if she hated everyone here so much.

“Please Jessica! Please!” He begged, not caring that everyone was watching him. Jessica was way more important than the people who made her life Hell.

“It’s too late.” She said softly “I’m a rogue.” Evan’s mouth dropped open along with the phone that hit the couch. No, no, no, no, no, no! This can’t be happening! She can’t and won’t survive on her own! She hasn’t even shifted yet! Shifted…. Why hasn’t she shifted? There must be some reason! He looked at Mama Ebony who stirred before waking up.

“It’s true, isn’t it? She really is gone.” She whispered her voice breaking.

Evan nodded, a bit distracted. “Mom… tell me more about White Wolves.”

Mama Ebony looked at him confused. Why is he asking about White Wolves… her eyes widened as she connected the dots.

“Jess… Jessica’s a…. a White Wolf!” She stuttered. Why didn’t she realize this before?

She heard people gasp. “They shift late, they’re patient, they’re insecure before shifting so they put others before themselves, they become more attractive after shifting, they have many talents which are important to them, they have better memory and…” she quickly covered her mouth as she realized what was about to happen.

“No, no, no, no, no!” She muttered to herself.

“Mom?” Evan asked, worry clear on his face.

“She’s in danger! There can be dangerous packs that might get to her! She’s valuable! She needs to be in the safety of her pack!”

“What safety? This pack has given her nothing but Hell!” Evan couldn’t help but badmouth the pack that made his little sister run away.

Jessie’s POV


I hummed as I walked through the forest. I was searching for a town. I had printed out the map and I was hoping that there was no pack there. I’m tired of packs. If there is, I hope that it is a small one.

I can’t really know about other packs as the Alpha is the only one who can and I can’t exactly ask the Alpha because people below eighteen are not allowed to shift packs. I’d have to wait another year if I legally want to get out of Hell.

I had a navigation app on my phone which was finally coming in handy. Feeling bored, I decided to talk to my wolf.

You awake? I asked her.

“How can I not be? WE’RE FREE!”  She chuckled. My wolf sure was something.

Do you think we’ll ever shift?

“Yes. I can feel it.”

That’s good. I don’t want to be a freak if there are other wolves in town.

I sat down as my legs hurt from walking for two hours straight. I drank some water and ate some of the biscuits I had stuffed into my bag. I could see the cookies that Mama Ebony made me when I had asked her to. Mama asked me why I wanted her cookies all of a sudden so I had to do the hardest thing I had ever done to Mama, I had to lie. I had to lie to her countless times about my sore legs and sad moods. I had to tell her that I had sore legs from track practice and was sad because I couldn’t shift. I hate lying but I had to lie to someone I love. It was painful for me.

I decided that my break was long enough and started walking again. I had walked for about seven minutes before I saw something that made me grin. In front of me was a road. I could see the sign but could not read it as it was covered by the trees in the way. It would probably take me ten minutes to reach that board so I started to walk. As I passed a tree, I felt something slam onto her. It wasn’t very strong, she felt like she was walking through jelly. And then she realized that a pack lived here.

“Darn it!” she cursed loudly which wasn’t very smart as she felt someone slam hard onto her making her fall. She hit her head hard and the only thing she remembered was a face with dark hair and blue eyes before someone turned off the lights. 

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