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"Suzuki..." Dabi feels down my and sqeezes my butt. "C-come we have to be quick Mama will be home in like an hour." I breath out as he sucks a big hickey on my neck. "But I like to take my time with you mousy." He says and I bit my lip. 

"I know but I need you out of the house when she gets back, she can't know we're dating babe." I say and he sighs. "Fine but I'm not going easy then." He bites my shoulder. "Fuck.." I whisper in his ear and he chuckles. "My little mousy.." He kisses my lips and I kiss him back continuing our little make out. 

There was a knock at the door and I grunt. "One second." I get up and put my shirt back on. My dog Toshi barks at the door and I pick him up. He was a scruffy black dog I have no idea what breed he just followed me home one day but now he's mine. 

"It's ok my little guard dog, who a god baby boy.." I say scratching at his ear. I kick away the old laundry and cigarette buds away from the view into the small dirty apartment. The door bell rings again and I groan. "Calm your tits I'm coming!" I shout and put Toshi down. I open the door and outside were 3 people. 

"Can I help you?" I ask and a man nods. "My name is Detective Tsukauchi these are my officers. May we come in?" He asks and I lean against the door. "Why?" I ask and the detective frowns. "is your mother home?" He asks and I shake my head. "I live alone." I've been trained for this. "How old are you?" He asks and I shrug. "How old are you?" I ask and he looks back into the house. 

"If you have a Warrant you can come in but if not then stop waisting my ti-" "We do have a warrant." Tsukauchi cuts me off holding a piece of paper and I feel my stomach drop. "d-dabi get the fuck out!" I rush into the house but a police officer tackles me to the ground and pins me. "GAH!" I yell and turn my head seeing Dabi being grabbed and handcuffed. 

"DABI!" I yell feeling tears roll down my face. "Alright both of you are coming with us." Tsukauchi says and I was handcuffed. "Mousy it's ok don't tell them anything about me alright you'll be ok." Dabi says and I cry. "LET ME GO I WANT HIM!" I kick and scream trying to get out of his grip but they wouldn't let me go. I was thrown into the back of a police car and driven to a police station... 


"WHERE'S MY BABY!" Mom comes bursting into police station in her work outfit and Apron. Oh god she probably came rushing from work... "MAMA!" I cry seeing her and try to move but I was handcuffed to a bench. "Oh my baby!" Mom comes and hugs me tightly and I cry into her chest wanting to move my arms to hug her back. 

"Ma'am step back while I un cuff her." Tsukauchi says and mom lets me go. I'm un cuffed and I throw my arms around Mom. "whats the meaning of this! My baby is innocent!" Mom cries and Tsukauchi shakes his head. "Both of you please follow me to the questioning room where me and a hero will be questioning you." Tsukauchi says and mom holds me as we walk to the questioning room. 

"Please sit here while I get him." Tsukauchi says and we sit down. "Baby whats going on! What did you do?" Mom asks and I cry. "I'm sorry mama I'm sorry I swear I didn't-" "Hello."  Tsukauchi comes back into the room with a very tired looking man. "E-eraserhead." Mom stutters seeing the man. "Good afternoon. I'm eraser head and I was in charge of this case. We have a few questions." The man yawns and the both sit across from me and Mom. 

"Alright lets start off simple. Whats you name." Tsukauchi asks and I sigh. "Suzuki Aiz-" "Shut up Suzuki." Mom says and I quirk my eyebrow. "Why the hell is my daughter here." Mom says angrily and they both look to me. "Your daughter was involved in a romantic relationship with known villain Dabi." Eraserhead says and Mom shakes her head. 

"No the fuck she wasn't! My daughter would never." Mom says looking to me. "Right?" She asks and I look down. "I'm sorry Mama.." I cry and she sighs. "You're telling me.. you were with this man?" Mom asks and I nod slowly. "How long?" She asks and I thinks. "Like...2 months?" I say fiddling with my fingers. 

"Ma'am we'll do the-" "She won't answer to you." Mom grabs my ear and I yelp. "Young lady you will answer all my questions." She says and I nod. "Yes ma'am!" I say crying and she lets me go. "How far did you go with him?" She asks and I look down. "Um.. we may have done it... a few times." I whisper and she grunts. "How did you meet him?" Mom asks and I sob. 

"I was out at night and he was in the alleyway of our place and I took him home with me." I cry, I hate not being able to lie to my mom. "You're kidding me. YOU KNEW HE WAS A VILLAIN AND YOU WERE STILL WITH HIM!" Mom yells and I grunt. "Alright ma'am thats enough." Eraserhead says and mom stares at him intensely. 

"What... what is your name?" Eraser head asks me and I look to mom. He was talking to me but staring at mom. "Suzuki Aizawa." I say and the mans eyes widen. "Eraser..." Tsukauchi says and Eraser head stares at mom. "Tania?" the man asks calling my mom's name and she looks down. "hey Sho.." She mumbles and I quirk an eyebrow. "Mom you know this dude?" I whisper and she sighs. 

"Um I think I'll just.." Tsukauchi gets up and ushers out of the room. "Mom whats going on?" I ask and she taps her nail on the table. "This is Shota Aizawa... He's your father." Mom says and my stomach drops. "HUH?"

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