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-Deku's POV-

"It's been a week Shota..." Me, All might, Tiana, and Aizawa sat in the teachers lounge at school durning lunch. "I know." Aizawa says and I look at my hands. "The police have no leads...We have no leads other than we know who has her, and even that we have no solid proof." all might says and I sigh. 

"What are we gonna do?" I ask and they looks to me. "I mean she's just there, we can't give up." I say and Aizawa nods. "And we're not. Tsukauchi says he has 1 lead. It's barley anything but he's going to investigate on it." Aizawa says and I nod. It's been torture not knowing where she is or whats going on but I feel even worse not knowing what the are doing to her in there. 

"Ok kid it's time for you to go to class." Aizawa says and I nod. I get up and leave going back to the classroom. I was a tad bit late so everyone was already there. "Hey Midoryia." Ilda smiles and I nod my head to him. I think everyone has noticed I've been pretty sad since Suzuki got taken. 

"Are you alright?" Sero asks next to me and I nod. "Yeah sorry.." I mumble pulling out my notebook. "Did they find anything out?" Yayarozu asks and I shrug. "Aizawa says that Tsukauchi has a lead but it's barley anything useful." I say and she frowns. "What do you think is happening to her? Bakugo do you know?" Kirishima asks and Kacchan rolls his eyes. 

"When I was there they just chained me up like a bunch of idiots. But they didn't take me for the same reason they took Suzuki." He looks to me and I sigh. "Well I mean they have to find her eventually!" Tsu says and I just put my head in my hands. "We will I'm not gonna stop looking till I find her." I say thinking about her....

-Suzuki's POV-

"You're going out." Dabi throws clothes on me as I sit on the couch. "Why?" I ask looking at the wrinkled clothes and the blond wig he tossed at me. "We need food you're going to the store for us." Shigaraki says and I look down. "I can't walk." I say and Dabi throws crutches at me. "Go to the store get everything on our list come right back. I'll be behind you if there is any trouble." He says and I sigh. 

"I don't have a choice do I?" I ask and they shake their heads. "Fine." Dabi picks me up and changes me, I hated him touching me but if I didn't want to get hurt more it was just better the let him. His hand are cold and rough, his touch is unforgiving and it makes my blood burn. "Ok here!" Toga hands me a list alone with a wallet. "Thats a credit card get everything and use that!" She says happily and I nod. I stand up using the crutches. 

I put on the wig and face mask before I start leaving. "Good luck mousy. If you do a good job I'll go easy on you later." Dabi pats my butt and I shudder. I hate this, I feel so gross and dirty but I can't even take a fucking shower. I walk out and start walking down the street. 

I look around and recognize the area I'm in but I don't exactly know how to get back to the school from here. I look behind me and see Dabi trailing me from pretty far back. I look ahead and just go to the store a few blocks away. I get a shopping cart and start moving along in the store. I buy everything on the list mainly frozen foods and veggies and a lot of junky snacks and soda. 

When I go to check out some guy bumps into my causing me to Fall to the ground. "Oh lord I'm so sorry!" The man drops to the ground to help me up. "Are you ok dear?" He asks and I look around for Dabi but I didn't see him. "Here let me help you up." He starts to pick me up but I push him away. "Please don't touch me." I ask. My wig fell off and the man looked down at me. 

"Hey I know you... your that girl thats missing!" He says and my eyes widen. "N-no wrong person sir." I try to stand up but my arm was grabbed. "There you are baby." It was dabi. He helped me up and grabbed my wig. "I told you to stop going out like this! I've been looking all over for you." he says throwing my wig in the cart. "Come on let's get you home. With a leg like that the doctor said we can't have you walking around. Sorry about her sir the pain meds really have her wonky." Dabi says and the man stares at me. 

My eyes were begging for help and I knew if I was going to be found this was my only chance. "Oh of course I completely understand! My wife had the same thing happen to her a few years back. Well take care!" The man waves and walks away. SHIT come on why! "Go fucking Check out, when we get home you're fucking getting it." Dabi says with a growl that made me scared. 

"O-ok.." I feel myself start crying as I walk to the check out. I bagged all the food and I had to carry it by myself all the way back home while Dabi went ahead of me. It was way to much stuff and I fell a couple of times but eventually I made it back. "YOU IDIOT!" Dabi comes into the kitchen and throws my head against the wall. "YOU ALMOST GOT US BOTH FUCKING CAUGHT! WHAT ARE YOU A DUMBASS!" He yells and I start crying. 

"My head.." I groan holing it, It felt like I got a concussion. "Fuck you head, I'm about to make to hurt a lot fucking more." He grabs me and pulls me up to the room. "N-no dabi please I'm being please don't!" I cry trying to get away. "This is what you get for making mad!" He yells throwing me on the bed and stripping me of my clothes...

-Deku's POV-

"Midoryia come on lets go." Shinso and me follow Aizawa to his car. We were going to the police station because apparently Tsukauchi needed to talk and I really wanted to go so Aizawa allowed me and Shinso to tag along with him. 

"Tsukauchi what is it?" We walk into the police station and to Tsukauchi office and a man and his wife and child sat in the chairs across from him. "These are the Williams. They think they know where Suzuki is." Tsukauchi says and my heart flutters. "W-what really!!" I ask happily. "Um yes we think so. My husband bumped into her while we were shopping today and we think it was her." Ms. Williams says. 

"What did she look like?" Aizawa asks them. "She had black hair just like yours and um she had grey eyes. She was covered head to toe but I saw she had mixed skin kinda a darker caramel color. If her wig hadn't fallen off I wouldn't have been able to see her face because of the face mask." Mr. Williams says and Aizawa looks to me.

"Thats her." I say and he nods. "What happened?" Aizawa asks and he sighs. "She was walking through the store. I noticed her as soon as she walked in. Her clothes were huge and all wrinkled. She was walking on crutches but had nothing on her leg no cast or anything. But her leg was certainly broken. I just bumped into her and she collapsed to the ground. When I tried to help her up she started shaking and crying asking me not to touch her." Mr. Williams explains and looks down. 

"A man covering his whole body just like her came over. He said she broke her leg and that the pain meds were making her do weird things. She looked scared and desperate for help. I could tell she was in a lot of pain. I knew I couldn't do anything so I just went along with the mans story and walked back to my wife but I heard him say that she was gonna "Get it" when they got home." Mr. Williams says and my heart sinks. 

"Anyways we followed them out of the store. The man walked ahead of her while she carried all the grocery bags alone on crutches! She fell quiet a few times but each time got up and just kept going. They went to the abandoned house and she went inside. Through a crack in the blinds of the windows um..." Mrs. Williams starts crying as she speaks. "We saw him bash her head into the wall and then drag her away upstairs." Mr. Williams finishes for her and we all gasp. 

"She was defiantly bleeding there was blood left on the wall." He says and Aizawa grunts. "Thats bastard.." He grumbles. "Do you happened to have the address or maybe you can just show us the house." Tsukauchi says and they nod. "it was *insert random address*. Right at the end of the block, the purple house." Mr. Williams says and I look down. 

"Well come on let's go get her!" Shinso says and I nod. "Not now. We need to get a team we have no idea what we're getting into. Last time we had to get a kidnaped kid all might ended up retiring. We'll need a few heroes and the police." Aizawa thinks out loud. "Plus this isn't like with Bakugo. This is a sort of Yandre sort of situation if I had to guess." Aizawa says and Mr.Williams nods. 

"Yes! Certainly, but I do recommend moving quickly. We only saw a second of what happened to her today but who knows what else he's doing." He says and I nod. "I'll contact a few heroes. Our number one priority is getting her back right now." Tsukauchi says. "I just wanna get my sister back." Shinso says and I look to him. I didn't realize how close they were. "We'll get her back Shinso. Tomorrow." Aizawa says and we all give a determined nod... We're coming Suzuki. 

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