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"Ok I'll see you after lunch Shota." I say walking out of the teachers lounge. "Oh yeah ok I'll see you later." He yawns from his sleeping bag and I chuckle. I walk out and go to the classroom where Midnight also known as Nerumi was still teaching her class before lunch, Earlier Shota gave me a run down of all the teachers. 

I walk in and sit at the desk and she looks at me. "Who are you?" She ask getting a giggle from the class. "Suzuki Aizawa." I say and she gasps. "Another one? Wow I had no idea Shota was planning on adopting again." She says and I roll my eyes. "No he didn't adopt me, I'm Tiana's daughter." I say, thats like the millionth time I've had to explain this. 

"What, Tiana from high school? Oh lord..." Midnight cups my face and squishes my cheeks. "Awww you look just like her too! So beautiful!" She says and I chuckle. "Uh thanks. Sorry to interrupt I'm just waiting for Deku." I say and she nods. "Well lunch starts soon dear just wait here." She says and I nod. 

She wraps up her lesson and the bell rings for lunch. "Hey Suzuki ready for lunch?" Deku comes walking up to me and I nod. "Yeah totally." I smile staring up with him. "Ok come on I have a place we can sit!" He says with a big goofy smile. He's like a dog he's adorable. Me and him go to this big auditorium and sit on the stage. 

"Wow this school is huge.." I hum looking around. "Yeah it's insane. It took me a while to get used to it too." He says and I giggle. "Can I see your notebook?" I ask and he nods. "Here!" He hands me a burned note book. "Oh no it's all burned, and it has water damage!" I say holding the book carefully. "Yeah I know it's a long story." He sighs looking down. 

"Oh ok..." I open the note book looking in and reading the notes and stuff. He had notes on different heroes, note on how to win fights, different fighting techniques he's learned watching other heroes, and more. "Wow Deku! These are really good!" I say and he chuckles. "Thanks! Most people don't get it." He says. 

"Yeah but I think this is really useful! You must be super smart!" I say handing him back the note book. "T-thanks! Not really I'm just really into hero stuff... Um whats about you! Do you still have a notebook?" He asks and I nod. "yeah I left it at Shota's place I'll bring it tomorrow." I say and he nods. "Not to be rude but why are you living with Mr. Aizawa now? We knew he adopted Eri and Shinso but..." He trails off and I look down. 

"I don't really know. Well it do it's my own fault. I only met Shota yesterday, I made a few bad decisions and when Shota offered to let me live with him my Mom thought it was a good idea to live with him." I explain pulling my legs into my chest. "Well what'd you do?" He asks and I blush. "If I tell you, you promise you won't think differently of me?" I ask and he shakes his head. 

"I don't see how I could?" he says and I take a deep breath. "Ok um... I was.. dating Dabi." I say quickly looking away. His eyes widen and he stares at me. "L-like Dabi Dabi! The villain?" he asks and I nod. "I know it was bad..." I mumbles. "But why were you dating him?" I sigh looking down at my knees. "I don't really know. I wasn't like in love with him obviously nothing but a casual hook up here and there.  I didn't know anything about him personally or the league though the most I knew was from if I watched the news but I didn't really do that so I didn't know much." I say and he nods. 

"I'm not a villain I promise." I say making him smile. "I didn't think you were." He smiles at me. "Thanks... I know it was wrong then and now. I just was bored I guess." I grumble and he pats my back. "It's ok we all make mistakes it's what we do after them that makes us who were are." He says and I smiles. "Thanks Deku..." I look down at my knees still hugging them close to my body. 

"DO you like living with Mr. Aizawa?" He asks and I shrug. "He's nice I guess I've only known him like a day. I miss my mom though." I say and he nods. "Of course! But mr. Aizawa is great I'm sure you'll get along with him." He says patting my should. I look at his hand and grab it. "you have so many scars!" I say turning around to face him better. 

"Wow.." I trace the scars on his hands. "Do you have them all over?" I ask and he shakes his head. "Mainly my arms and upper body." He says and I nod. "Sexy." I laugh making him blush a bright red. "I- um I don't know about that they are just from stupid mistakes I made!" he stutters out making me laugh more. "You're so cute! I like making you blush it's pretty easy." I laugh only making him blush more. 

"Um you're cute too!" he says making me blush. "Hahaha I did it too." He laughs and I smirk at him. "hahah ass hole" We giggle together for a moment and as it dies down I just look at him. "Hey we should do this again! I'd love to do some stuff with your quirk and mine!" he says and I smile. "Y-yeah! I'd love that, We could run some tests on each other." I say and he nods. "Are you free over the weekend?" He asks. 

"Well on Sunday I'm going to the diner to see my mom... ON Saturday I'm going Shopping with Shota but not till later like around 4, so we can hang out Saturday morning!" I say and he nods. "Perfect! meet me at the field outside ok?" He says and I nod. "Sounds good!" Oh wow! I already have a friend here, this really isn't half bad.. 

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