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"Are you sure it's ok I come with you to see your mom? I mean this is like the one day a week you're allowed be with her." Deku whispers to me in the back on Shota's car. "Of course! I want you to come with me Deku, you'll get to see what mama is like when she's not working!" I smile and Shota looks at me in the rear view mirror. "I'm staying you know." He says and I nod. 

"I know Mom told me, I don't see why though I thought you'd want to hang out with your kids." I say and he rolls his eyes. "first off you're my kid too, second of all Eri is on a play date and Hitoshi is doing god knows what with his friends, I'm free today." He says and I laugh. "Whatever mom will be happy to see you." I say and see his cheeks blush red. "Mhm.." he hums clearing his throat and looking down. 

"So does your mom own this diner?" We pull into the diner and start getting out of the car. "Oh no my grandpa does. But he's in critical care at the hospital with my uncle christian. So my mom runs this whole place." I say and intertwine my fingers with Deku. "Don't be so nervous it's just my mom." I say and he gives a nervous nod making me smile. 

We all walk into the diner and I see mom sitting at the breakfast counter. "MAMA!" I yell making her jump. "Huh what whats wrong!" She yells jumping up. She looks around and her eyes land on me. "Ohhh yay you're here!" She smiles and I jump into a hug. "Hi!" I kiss her cheek and she giggles. "Sorry baby I'm just a little tired today." She yawns and I nod. "Were you here since opening?" I look at the time, she normally opens around 5 am and she'll be here all day. 

"Yeah, but I have Phil coming he's on his way now should be here to cover the rest of the work load for me and we can get going." She yawns and I frown. "This is too much work for you mama. You should really get more help.." I say looking around at the crowded diner. "I know I'm working on it. But this isn't something for you to worry about now doll face. Give me 5 minutes to change and we can go alright." She says and walks away. 

"Wow this place is really busy." Deku says looking around. "Mhm, a lot of people like this place not to brag." I say and he chuckles. "I remember when you grandparents first opened this place." Shota says looking around. "How long have you known my mom?" I ask and he thinks. "Since we were 5. We started dating when we were 12 and she left when she was 15 with her dad while her mom ran this place. I don't know what happened after that." He says and I nod. 

Mom comes out a minute later dressed in her casual clothes and her hair tied back showing off her face. She's still young and she likes to remind people that. "Oh I didn't even notice these two were here." Mom says shocked after seeing Shota and Deku. "Hey Tiana." Shota smirks at my mom making her blush. "Hey Sho." She smiles and looks over to Deku. 

"Deku right?" Mom asks and Deku nods. "Y-yeah my real name is Izuku but Deku is perfectly fine!" He says shaking her hand. "Nice to officially meet you but why are you here?" Mom asks and Deku blushes widely. "Oh well I'm uh, I'm Suzukis uh I don't-" "Mama he's my boyfriend." I cut Deku's nervous stammering off and she smiles wide. "Ohhhh little boyfriend. Ok." She smirks at my and Deku. "Stop you're gonna kill him." I grab Deku's hand as he stares at the ground embarrassed. "He's adorable." Mom whispers to me making me giggle. 

"Ok come on I gotta show you something." Mom says and smirks at Shota who gives her a nod. Ok thats weird, what are they up to? "Come on." I grab Izuku's hand and we walk out to Shota car. We drive back to the school but instead we go another block down the street and park in front of a house with a fancy fence. "Whats this?" I ask looking out the window. "Just shut up and get out the car" Mom says with a giggle and I giggle back at her. 

We all get out of the car and Shota grabs a key from his jean pocket. We walk through the gate and he opens the front door. "Wow.." I mumble looking around. "This is our new house." Mom says behind me and my eyes widen. "W-what?" I ask and look at her. "I've been saving money your whole life to buy this house. I finally saved enough and well, I bought it. This is ours." Mom says grabbing both me hands. 

"W-wait so you bought a house!" I yell with a smile and she nods. "Yeah! And thats not even the best part come on let me give you the tour." Mom says and I nod. There was a living room a huge kitchen, a pantry, a big furnished basement and 2 floors with 5 bedrooms all together. "Ok well this is my room." Mom shows me the room and I smile "Damn mama!" I look around the nice room and smile. 

"Your room is over there and Eri's room is over there." Mom points to two other rooms and I quirk an eyebrow. "Shota and Hitoshi are gonna be upstairs and they have their own bathroom." Mom says and I turn to look at her. "What do you mean?" I ask and she smiles. "I asked Shota to move in with us" She says and my jaw DROPS. "W-what!" I yell and she nods. "I was obviously gonna have you move back in with me once I got everything situated but I know you and Shota are working on your relationship. I want you to continue that. Plus now you have a brother AND a little sister. I want you guys to be closer. So I asked if Shota was willing to move in with us." Mom says and I smile wide. 

"I spoke with Nezu. Because we are right down the street less than a minute away he allowed me  to move here. I'd like for all of us to be together." Shota says smiling down at me. "Oh my Jesus.." I mumble and look around the house. "Are you ok with that?" Mom asks and I nod "Of course I am! I'd love that!" I smile looking around and she beams. "Good come lemme show you, you're room!" She says and brings us to my new room. 

"Holy shit!" I look around the room. It was decorated with pictures of my friends, my favorite bands posters, and all might stuff too, and a nice bed with purple bedding on it. "Oh my gosh!" I smile and look around. "Here you two stay her from a moment while me and Shota go talk about something alright?" Mom says patting my back. "Y-yeah of course!" I say looking around. 

Mom and Shota leave and I turn to Deku. "Look! isn't this so cool!" I say grabbing his hand "It's amazing Suzuki! I'm so happy for you!" I say wrapping his arms around me waist and putting his chin on my shoulder. "We're gonna have so many sleepovers, and nice times here..." I smile looking at the bed. "I'd love that." He says kissing my cheek. "Come here." I grab his hand dragging him to the bed. I flop back and he lands on top of me. 

We giggle at each other and he gets up so he's leaning above me. "Are you happy puppy?" He asks and I nod. "Very..." I smile and he nods "Good." He leans down kissing me gently. "What pussy ass kiss was that? Come on you can do better than that pup." I smile and he smirks at me. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him down slightly and making him kiss me harder. Simple kisses turn into a full make out as his hands roam up and down my torso...

-Aizawa's POV-

"When do we tell her that we're kinda together." I ask Tiana as we sit at the kitchen table. "Well Shota I mean we only had sex like 3 or 4 time... maybe 5.." She blushes looking away and I chuckle at her. "Still waiting for me to officially asks you dove?" I ask grabbing her hand. "Not just that..." She smiles rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. 

"I just wanna take it slow, I want Suzuki and your kids to have time to adjust to the move, allow them to get settled and then well... we can talk about us. But right now kids first." She says and I nod. "Agreed." I kiss her hand and she smiles. "Come on let's go check on them." She says and we stand up walking back upstairs.

We peak in her room and I let out a silent grunt seeing the kids on the bed. "They're making out" I huff quietly to Tiana who giggles. "OI WHATS GOING ON IN HERE!" She yell and they both separate from each other. "AWWW come on Mama!" Suzuki yell at her as Midoryia Turns a bright shade of red. "SORRY!" He yells and Tiana busts out laughing. "I'm just joking babes sorry to scare you." We walk in the room and Suzuki rolls her eyes. 

"Come on we need to get back to the dorms so I can talk with Hitoshi and Eri when she gets back." I say and they both nod. "Come on we can hang out at your dorm." Suzuki says grabbing Midoryia's hand. "Ah aha ah I don't think so!" Tiana grabs her shirt pulling her back. "Mamaaaaa." Suzuki whines and Tiana smiles. "You knew this was coming baby. You two go we'll meet you in the car." Tiana gives and evil smirk to Suzuki. "MAMA please not now! I thought we went through this already!" Suzuki complains and I just walk out with Midroyia following behind me. 

"Are they alright in there?" He asks as we get into the car. "Yeah probably." I grumble starting the car. A few minutes pass and the girls come out getting in the car. "You alright?" Midoryia asks Suzuki and she nods. "No big deal." She rolls her eyes leaning on his shoulder. "tch.." Tiana chuckles looking out the window. "Did you just give her-" "Yeah." Tiana laughs and I hear Suzuki groan. She just gave her the sex talk, of course. I laugh a little and start driving to the dorms.

I'm excited to move in with the girls I know the kids are gonna love it. I think this will be good for all of us... 

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