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-Suzuki's POV-

"Shota I'm going out to walk Toshi!" I call out as I slide my shoes on. "Alright kid!" I leave the house rushing to 1-A dorms so I can speak with Deku. Me and Toshi run and I do end up actually taking him for a quick morning walk before getting to the dorms. I walk in and see everyone in the common area. "Oh Suzuki!" Mina waves to me getting everyone attention. 

"Um h-hey guys!" I wave and Toshi barks. "Stop it.." I pick him up and look around. "Is Deku up yet? I need to ask him something." I say and Todoroki stands up. "Yeah I can show you to his dorm." He says and I nod. "Thanks Todoroki!" I smile following him to the elevator. "is this your dog?" He asks petting Toshi. "Oh yeah this is Toshi!" I say with a smile. "Hello Toshi, you are very noble dog." Todoroki says and I laugh. "Your funny Todoroki!" I laugh and he smiles at me.

"I know you kisses Midoryia." He says and I blush. "Sheesh he told you?" I ask and he nods. "No one else knows only me." He says and I nod. "Thats ok he can tell whoever. I get it though I had to talk about it too." I say with a giggle. "Yes, he is my best friend, do not hurt him." He say and I laugh. "What are you gonna do freeze me?" We step off the elevator and he laughs. "No but I will scare you." He laughs with me and shows me to Deku's Dorm. 

"here." he says and I nod. "Thank you Todoroki! I'll talk to you later. we should hang out I think we'd get along." I say and he nods. "Yes I agree. Good luck with Midroyia." He says and I nod. I knock on his door before I open it. "Deku? You awake?" I ask walking in. "Oh hey Suzuki!" Deku was on the bed with Ururaka most likely talking. 

"Oh sorry I didn't know you guys were talking!" I say and he smiles. "N-no it's ok come in!" He says and I walk in. "I was just about to text you." He whispers as he gets up. "Yeah I thought we should talk. Is now a bad time should I come back later?" I ask and she shakes his head. "Is it ok if me and Suzuki talk quickly Ururaka?" He asks turning back to Ururaka who was staring at me "Oh no go ahead." She says with a smile. She walks past us and to the door leaving us alone. 

"Hey toshi!" Deku picks up Toshi and sits him on the bed. "Oh wow I love your room!" I look around at all the All might stuff. "S-sorry it's pretty nerdy-" "I always wanted my room to look just like this when I was younger. I feel like I'm sitting in my dream room." I say sitting on the bed. "You're a nerd too.." I chuckles quietly and I giggle. "Just a little.." I say petting Toshi's head. 

"So um.. Last night." I say and he blushes. "y-yeah..." he say looking down. We sit in silence for a moment and it was pretty awkward. "Ok I'll say it I really like you!" I blurt out. "And if you'd like to... I'd like to go on a date!" I say feel my face turning beet red. "I would... I would really like that!" Deku says and I look up. "S-so we're dating?" I ask and he nods. "Yes? Sorry I've never done this! I really like you though and I'd really like to be your boyfriend?" He asks and I grab his hand. 

"I'd like to be your girlfriend." I say leaning closer to him. "Yay!" He whisper and I giggle. "Such a little puppy." I say kissing his lips softly. "Yeah whatever." He kisses me back and I giggle. YES ME AND DEKU ARE DATING! "Wait so can I keep calling you Deku or do you want me to call you Izuku now?" I ask and he shurgs. "Deku is good with me, but you can call me whatever you want." He says and I smile. "Deku it is." I brush my nose over his nose kissing him gently.

-Deku's POV-

I walk Suzuki and Toshi down stairs. "sorry I have to leave, but Shota's gonna send a search party of I don't come back now." She says and I chuckle. "It's alright I'll see you later." I say holding her hand walking past everyone. "Ok great." She smiles turning to me. "Oh hey Suzuki I'll go with you. Dad's gonna shit if we aren't both home." Shinso stands up and walks to us. "Yeah ok lets go!" She smiles. 

"Bye Deku." She tilts me face down to her. "See you later." She kisses me gently and I kiss her back. I love her lips I could kiss her all day every day for the rest of my life and I'd die a fulfilled man. "Y-yeah ok." I say and she turns to Shinso. "Oooo you better tell me whats going on." Shinso says and she laughs. "Stop being nosy" She laughs as they walk out together. 

"Woah since when does the fucking nerd have a girlfriend!" Kacchan yells and I blush. "Oh um just recently." I mumble sitting on the couch with Todoroki. "Oooo Deku is dating Suzuki huh?" Kaminari asks and I blush. "Uh yeah I guess so." I was embarrassed not because of Suzuki just because I'm awkward. "Oh wow Deku, you have a girlfriend now.." Ururaka mumble in the floor and I nod. "mhm..." I smile thinking about Suzuki. I'm really happy, like really really happy! I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND!  

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