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When me and Izuku get back to class everyone stares at us. "Ok." I smile at him and he leans down and kisses my cheek. "I'll see you." He whispers and I nod. I walk and sit down in the seat with a sigh. "Are you alright?" Shota asks in his sleeping bag while everyone else interrogates Izuku. "Mhm, I feel better after talking with him." I say and he nods. "I thought you would. So what are you two now?" He asks and I smile at Izuku who looked at his friends with a nervous smile. 

"We're still together but we're just taking a break, just for a little while." I say and he nods. "Thats very mature of you two." He says and I chuckle. "I guess so.." I look at him and he smiles at me before looking away. Silly nerd.. 

~Lunch time~

"Oi idiot." Bakugo walks up to me as I wander the halls durning lunch. "Oh hey Bakugo." I say turning around. "Um... are you ok?" he asks and I look down. "Yeah." I say and smile back up at him. "Come on.. you don't need to lie." he says and I feel tears build in my eyes "Um..." I look down and my breath hitches. "Come on." he bring me to an empty classroom and we sit in the desks. 

"Talk." He says and I sniffle. "I just don't know." I cry whipping my face. "Things are ok! Me and Izuku are working it out, I'm closer with my family than ever, and I'm safe! But still I feel like death!" I cry and he nods. "I get it." he says and I look up. "I mean your probably worse cause of what crispy did to you but still.. I get that." he says and I sniffle. 

"Can I be honest with you?" I ask and nods. "And I'm going to get help for it so please don't tell my dad or anything yet." I say and he nods. "I won't." he says and I take a shakey breath. I pull up my sleeve showing him my cut up arm. "mmm.." He hums looking down and grabs my arm. "I can't stop. When I broke up with Deku I wanted to feel a different kind of pain, I did this and now when I'm upset it's the first thing I think of doing." I say and he frowns. 

"I don't know what to say other than stop." He says and I pull my arm away. "And I am. I threw my razor away and I'm not gonna do it anymore." I say and he nods. "Good, an Dif you do just... call me." He says and I nod. "Thanks Bakugo. But why are you being so nice to me?" I ask and he looks down. "I don't know I feel like we can understand each other. For more than just the whole kidnaping thing." He says and I quirk an eyebrow. 

"You're aggressive and powerful. You don't take shit from anyone. You remove yourself from bad situations or you will end things yourself. People are afraid of you but they respect you... like me." He says and I laugh. "I'm just saying. It's hard isn't it? Putting up the while tough thing." He says and I nod. "It's so much... it's hard to be the bad guy, the one who does this stuff. I'm still trying to figure out what I wanna do after high school, where I want to go in life. but I have this like... road block that's stopping me! it's Dabi! He consumes my night, I wake up from night mares all the time, I feel my skin crawling when I think about about him! I feel him on me... in me." I cry and he pats my shoulder. 

"I'm... sorry." He says and I whip my face. "I just wish I could get over this." I say and he nods. "Maybe you should talk to your mom or Aizawa. Get some help." He says and I nod. "I mean yeah, but how do I go to them with this?" I ask whipping my nose. "How you talked to me. Just tell them how you feel. You'll feel better once you talk to them." He says and I nod. "Yeah yeah I guess... Bakugo just, thank you so much." I say and he rolls his eyes. 

"Don't think about it too much. I'm still here to talk or whatever." He says and I nod. "me too, If you ever need anything just you know text me or call me." I say and he nods. "Ok well how are things going for you?" I ask and he blushes. "Fine." He grumbles and I smile. "How are things with Kirishima?" I ask making him blush more. 

"Fine... he knows I'm... Bi?" He says and I quirk an eye brow with a smile. "Thats seems like more of a question." I laugh and he chuckles. "I don't know what I am. I just like whoever. Whatever it is called. But he's ok with it and he told me he's gay... I don't know." he rubs the back of his neck and I smile. "You should tell him. I think he likes you. I see the way her looks at you." I say and he nods. "Yeah I think he... likes me? I'll figure it out." He says and I nod. "Well keep me updated! I'd love to know." I say and he nods. "Yeah keep me updated too." He says and I we fist bump. I'm so happy I talked to him... now I just have to talk with my parents...

~Night time~

"Guys can I talk to you?" Mom and Shota were sitting in mom's room talking when I knocked on the door. "Oh! Yeah sorry we were just talking about something." Mom says with a blush. I know they are together, me Hitoshi and Eri all know they are together but we are going to let think we don't know. We all thinks it's pretty funny.

"Ok thanks." I walk in and sit on the bed crossing my legs. "Whats going on?" Mom asks and they stare at me. "Um..." I look down and start crying, god I've been crying all day. "I'm just... I'm really tired of acting like I'm ok." I sniffle looking up. "And I think I really need some help." I asks and they exchange a worried glance. 

"My mind is consumed with thoughts of Dabi. I feel him on me all day, in me.." I cry and start shaking. "I take really hot shower trying to like burn off my skin and try to feel better but that doesn't work.." I cry and they stay silent listening to me. "I um... I'm not gonna lie I've been hurting myself." I pull up my sleeve showing them my wrist. "Oh my god." Mom starts crying and looks away. 

"And I'm sick of feeling like this. I really need help." I cry practically begging for help. "Oh my god.." Shota examines my arm and I cry. "Please." I beg and he grabs my body pulling me into his lap. Mom wraps and arm around me and whips the tears from my face. "it's ok baby. We'll get you  some help ok? We'll get you a therapist, some help, you're not alone in this." Mom says and and Dad brushes my hair from my face. 

"We're here for you kid. We love you, you brother and sister love you, Midoryia loves you, we are all here for you." He says and I nod. "Thank you so much for coming to us princess." Mom sniffles and I nod. "Yes this was good. We'll get you all better." He says and I nod. "Thanks guys.." I smile and they kiss my cheek and forehead. "We love you ok?" Mom asks and I nod. I'm so happy this is gonna be good..

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