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-Suzuki's POV-

"You're so pretty like this! You should really do your hair better." Toga brushes my hair after practically pinning me to the ground and doing my make up. "Fuck off." I grumble and she giggles. "You're so funny bestie!" She laughs and I grunt. "Why are you making me look like this" I ask annoyed and she giggles. "Dabi will be back any moment with dinner and he asked me to make you look pretty for you date tonight!" She says and I huff. 

"Fuck him. I hate him with all my guts." I say and she sighs. "Well he loves you. You should be grateful" She ties my hair half up and half down with two strands of hair framing my face. "I'm home assholes." Dabi comes in the house and everyone comes downstair. 

"You got us food?" Shigarki asks scratching his neck. "Oh yay McDonalds, Boooo I wanted Wendys, NO mcDonalds!" Twice switches back and froth his personalities. "Oh yay Nuggies!" Toga jumps up. "Hell yeah Big Mac." Spinner says pulling his food out. "You fucking heathens." Dabi says grabbing a bag of food and walking over to me. "Hey Mousy. well don't you look perfect." He says kissing me but I try to pull away. "Come on let's go eat." He says picking me up and bringing me upstairs. 

"I got you nuggets and fries. Oh and a coke." He say putting my food In front of me on the bed. "Whatever." I grumble and start eating. He sits next to me eating his burger and I just glare at him. "If you keep looking at me like that, you'll never eat again fat ass." he says not looking up from his food. I sigh and look down eating more. 

Once we finish our food I lay back on the bed. "I'm going to sleep" I say turning over "How's your leg?" he asks rubbing it making me flinch. "It hurts like hell." I say annoyed. "Here take this." he says shoving a small pill in my mouth before shoving the straw to my coke in and making me drink. I cough and he pats my back. "Was that a fucking pain killer?" I ask patting my chest. "No it was birth control." He says and stands up.

"W-what!" I yell and he smirks. "Come on baby it's time to have some fun..." He says and I stare at him. "What no! I'm in way to much pain and plus I have a boyfriend whom I love very much! Oh and yeah I hate you!" I yell and he pulls off his clothes leaving him in just his boxers. "Oh well. I'll just have to fuck you till you love me." He laughs and pulls my pant off. 

"S-stop Dabi for real." I say feeling tears brim in my eyes. "So am i." He pulls off my shirt leaving me and my bras and panties. "So fucking sexy...even better than I remember." He says and rubs his fingers over my clothed womanhood. "Dabi please don't do this." I say kicking him away. "Ugh fucking brat." He groans grabbing the handcuff attached to the wall. he locks me up and then grabs my shirt. Since it was a long sleeve he just ripped off the arm. 

"HEY My dad bought me that!" I yell and he smirks. "I'm your daddy now." He says and put the sleeve In my mouth and ties it so I can't speak. "This will be better without your stupid whining and complain." He says flipping me around. I groan in pain from my broken leg and he pulls my panties off. "MMMNONDI!" I try to scream at him to stop but he doesn't. 

He laughs and I heard him shuffle. Oh god no, please someone stop him. "MOOO!" I cry and he laughs at me. "Keep screaming it's making me hard." he says and I start crying harder. Please no god this can't be happening. He sticks himself in me and I scream in pain. "Fuck so fucking tight.." He moans and I cry harder into the bed, sobbing, unable to breath properly. This can't be happening, god please someone help me...


"Fuck baby that was amazing" Dabi says as he puts his shirt on me. I sat there paralyzed after what just happened. My whole body was sore. I feel so... disgusting "Tired baby?" he asks and I start crying again. "Awww don't cry. Come on let's get to bed." he says and we lay in the bed. "I love you so much Mousy." He says kissing my forehead. "Say it back now." he says and I sniffle. "I l-love you too." I cry and he smiles. "Good girl." Once again I cry myself to sleep, in pain and dirty...

~Next morning~

Dabi left me to go do something. I was still really fucked up after yesterday night. I felt so gross, I had not appetite, I just wanted to die. "You know he really does love you right." Toga sits next to me on the couch. "He wouldn't treat you so nice if he didn't." She says and I just stay silent. MY brain was exhausted emotionally, my body was exhausted physically, and  I was just about ready to jump off a cliff. 

"Maybe you should try to just be more opening to him" She says but I just stare straight ahead. I felt nothing, like nothing. I feel numb, like nothing can hurt me more than I already do. I've accepted nobody is coming for me, this is my new life now. I'm going to die like this...

~Deku's POV-

"Tsukauchi doens't have any leads on the league right now." Aizawa says and paces the room. "it's been 3 days." Tiana says sitting next to me. "Where is Suzuki mr. Deku?" Eri asks and I pick her up putting her on my lap. "We are trying to figure that out" I say and she frowns. "He's probably doing horrible things to her in there." Tiana cries putting her head in he hands. 

"Come on Kitty try not to think like that." Aizawa says wrapping an arm around her. "What do you think is happening to her Sho! God only knows! What if she's given up hope that we are coming for her?" Tiana cries and I feel my eyes start to well with tears. God Suzuki please don't give up hope. We will find you. 

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