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-Suzuki's POV- 

"Shota it's honestly satanic for you to wake me up at this hour. Frankly I should call Child protective services for this." I say with a tired yawn as we all walk to the class. "Honestly dad this is awful." Hitoshi says and Shota chuckles. "You think I wanna be up right now, if I had a choice I'd  start school at 12." Shota says sipping his coffee. 

"Satanist. 3 pm at the earliest." I say and he nods. "Deal." He says and we all giggle together. We walk into the classroom full of students talking and not in their seats. "Hey Hitoshi!" Kaminari waves and Hitoshi goes over to him. "Suzuki!" Deku see's me and hops off his desk and walks over to me. "Morning Deku." I smile and grab his hand. "Have a nice weekend?" I ask and he nods. "mhm you?" He asks and I smile. "Yeah." I lean up and kiss him lightly on the lips. 

"Do you wanna eat lunch with me today?" he asks and I chuckle. "Yeah of course." I laugh and he smiles wide. "You're such a dork ahah." I laugh at him. "She got one thing right." Bakugo says and I roll my eyes at him. I realize everyone in the class was sating at us. "Deku they're staring." I whisper and he nods. "I see that... hmmm." he hum and we giggle together staring at the class. "Why do you still call him Deku?" Mina asks with a sneaky smile on her face. 

"Well because it's his nick name. No need to change it right?" I ask and he nods. "Mhm." He smiles. "Alright everyone to your seats please." Shota says and I kiss Deku's Cheek before he walks back to his seat. "I'll be right back I'm going to the bathroom!" I tell Shota before leaving the room. I go to the bathroom right down the hall and do my business before I start washing my hands. 

"Hey Suzuki!" Ururaka comes into the bathroom and I smile at her. "Oh hey Ururaka!" I finish washing my hands and go to dry them but Ururaka was standing right next to me. "You know me and Deku are pretty close." She says and I quirk an eyebrow. "Ok?" I try to move out of the way but she steps next to me again. "I've known him longer than you too." She says and I put my hands on my hips. 

"Ok and the sky is blue, What are you talking about?" I ask starting to get annoyed. "My point is... Stay away from him." She says and I frown. "Bitch what?" I ask and she shrugs. "I know me and him are end game and you are just getting in our way so do us a favor and back off." She says and taps my shoulder before turning and walking off. "Hey what!" I start floating and she leaves the bathroom. "GET BACK HERE LET ME DOWN!" I shout but she left me floating against the ceiling and I grunt. 

"Great..." I feel around in the pockets on my jeans looking for my pocket knife. I find it and flip it open. I stab it into the ceiling allowing to pull myself forward. I do that till I get down the hall way and back to the class room. "Hey can I get some help here!" I yell entering the classroom. "What-.. Why the hell are u on the ceiling?" Shota asks and I glare at Ururaka. 

"Bitch could you put me down the jokes old." I say and she gives me a shocked expression. "W-what! I didn't do this!" She says and I roll my eyes. "Fine Shota can you catch me so I don't fall on my ass." I say and she stands under me. I activate my quirk looking at Ururaka and I suddenly fall but Shota catches me. "Sheesh, I try to take a piss and end up getting in a cat fight." I grumble and I look up seeing my knife in the ceiling. "Ah shit.." I grumble and Shota uses his capture weapon to get it down. 

"What happened?" he asks and I grunt. "She came in the bathroom and started talking about how she knows Deku better than man. She said I was getting in the way of them and then she made me float." I grunt out fixing my outfit. "Why did you have a knife?" Shota asks and I shrug. "Good to have. Came in handy today right?" I say and she nods. "True. Anyways Ururaka is this true?" He asks and she shakes he head. "NO! Absolutely not why would I do such a thing!" She says and I roll my eyes. 

"Listen I really don't care about it. Not a big deal just don't do it again alright?" I say and she huffs. "But I didn't say that stuff stop lying!" She says and I cross my arms. "Listen if you have a crush on Deku then thats between you and him. I have nothing to do with that. But do me a favor and don't make me float again." I say walking to the desk. "You're lying! You're just making me look like the bad guy for no reason when you're the villain here!" She yells and I quirk an eye brow.

"Villain? What the hell are you talking about I don't even know you!" I yell and Shota puts a hand on my shoulder. "I know you dated Dabi! And now you're trying to corrupt poor Deku!" She yells and everyone gasps. That one stung... "URURAKA ENOUGH!" Shota yells and I clench my fist. "Yeah and I also fucked your dad but you don't seem too mad about that bitch!" I yell and she stares at me shocked. "you didn't... I-" "Oh my god you're an idiot." I grumble pinching the bridge of my nose. "HA!" Bakugo laughs and Kirishima hits his shoulder. 

"Oh Suzuki thats enough. Both of you." Shota says but I keep my glare at Ururaka. "You're probably just a double agent trying to take us down from the inside and you're using Deku." She says walking closer to me. "Oh shut the fuck up Ururaka. I know your family fucking construction  company you're as poor as me bitch." I say and she grunts. "At least I'm not dating a villain." She says and everyone goes silent.

"My bad for fucking Dabi! I honestly don't see how that has anything to do with the fact that you like Deku and you're taking it out on m-MPH!" A hand was wrapped around my mouth and my body was grabbed into a hug. "Ururaka thats enough." Deku says in a quiet tone. "Suzuki past relationships have nothing to do with me and her being together now. I don't know whats going on with you but stop harassing my girlfriend." He says quietly and I smile softly in his hand. 

"B-but Deku I-" "I'm sorry you're hurt by mine and Suzuki's relationship. But if you wanna talk to me then talk to me. Stop talking to Suzuki like this." He says and removes his hand from my mouth. "Are you alright?" He asks and I blush. "mhm.." I hum looking down "Sorry." I grumble and he nods. "it's alright. Sorry about her." he kisses my forehead and lets me go. "We can talk at lunch stop disrupting class." Deku says walking back to his desk. "Um... alright then, You ok kid?" he ask me and I nod. "Um yeah sorry." I mumble walking to the teachers desk.

Ururaka sits down with a huff and I look to Deku. He looked pissed looking at her but when he looked at me he blushed and looked down. "Are you ok?" I mouth to him and he nods with a small smile. He gives me a thumbs ups and blows a kiss making me giggle. He's such a nerd.. my nerd, I'm lucky to have him. 

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