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-Deku's POV-

"H-hey..." I walk up to Suzuki while she sits at the front desk of the classroom. "hey." She puts her phone down and looks up at me. "Um... look I'm really-" "Stop." She sighs and holds her hand up stopping me. "I was wrong to push you to tell me. I shouldn't have done that." She says with a frown. "I'm just weird about secrets. After everything with Shota and my mom you know I just prefer honesty now a days but I still have to respect you and your own life." She says and I frown. 

"If I could share everything with you I would but this is just one thing I'm doing so I can protect you." I grab her hand and crouch in front of her. "It's nothing bad I promise. And I'll never hid anything from you ever you have my word." I say and she gives a soft smile. "Ok I trust you." She says and I nod. "Thank you. I love you?" I ask and she giggles. 

"Yeah idiot I love you." She bends down and kisses me gently. "Love you too." I stand up as Aizawa walks into the classroom. "Alright everyone sit." he grumbles dropping eye drops into his eyes. We all stop talking and sit in our seats. "Alright we are going to be working on a project today and tonight. You will all partner up and be given a hero situation in which you need to solve." Aizawa starts explaining. 

"You will make a slide show explaining how you would solve the issue. How you would capture the villain, get in contact with the police and/or other heroes, and cause least amount of damage to the city and civilians. Also getting in contact with the hospitals to have any civilians hurt be take in for treatment." Aizawa explains and I smile. This should be fun! Its just problem solving one of may favorite things to do. 

"Partner up now and I will assign you all a situation." Aizawa says before crawling into his sleeping bag. "Todoroki! Wanna partner up?" I ask but he frowns. "Sorry I'm with Yayarozu already." He says with a small blush. "Oh! ok thats good!" I whisper and he looks down. I know he likes Yayarozu, I'm happy they are working together. "Deku!" Ururaka calls from behind me and I turn around. 

"Oh Hey!" I smile at her and she beams. "Wanna partner up?" She asks and I nod. "Y-yeah! That sounds great!" I say and she nods. "Perfect! We'll meet in my room tonight to work on it" She says and I smile. "great see you then!" She walks back to her desk and I smile. This is great, sure things are still awkward but hopefully us working together on the project together will get us back to how we used to be! 

~Time skip to tonight~

"Hey Deku ready to do this?" Ururaka asks and I nod entering her room. "Great this is gonna be fun!" She says and hum. "yeah this is gonna be great! Ok let's go this!" We sit down and get started on the project. It went well we spilt up the work and take out our situation with each other on how to solve it. 

"Jeez that took a long time! We've been working 2 hours!" Ururaka says stretching out. "Yeah I know I'm happy we got it done though! We will be able to present it tomorrow." I say with a tired yawn. "Yup! Hey Deku I'm really happy we go to work together." She says and I smile at her. 

"Yeah me too. It was nice working." I say and she nods. "So um how have things been?" She asks moving closer. "Oh good! Schools good, training is good." I say and she nods. "I heard you and Suzuki got in a fight yesterday." She says and I frown. "Ohh yeah but it wasn't anything to bad." I say looking down. 

I still feel bad for hiding One for all from her but I'm happy she's being pretty understanding about it now. "What about if you don't mind me asking?" She asks and I shake my head. "Nothing I was just hiding something from her and she got a little mad but it was nothing serious" I say and she frowns. "Wow I'm surprised she got mad. Especially about keeping secrets." She says and I quirk an eyebrow. 

"Why's that?" I asks and she blushes. "Oh it's nothing its just that..." She looks down and sighs. "I shouldn't tell you this but you're my friend and I don't wanna hide anything from you." She gives me and I get nervous. "She left with Dabi voluntarily." She says and I roll my eyes. "What no she didn't." I groan and close my laptop. 

"No Deku listen I'm telling the truth. That say after she left I followed her off campus after we talked. She went to the convince store right?" She says and I slowly look to her. "Yeah... How'd you know that?" I ask and she grunts. "I was there! She was approached by Dabi and she willingly went with him hand in hand! I ran away before I saw where they went." she says says my head spins. 

"But... why didn't you say anything?" I ask trying to catch her in a lie. "You wouldn't have believed me if I told you." She says and I look down. She  right I wouldn't believe her... "But-" "Deku I told you she's a villain! It was probably staged when you guys found her, she's using you" She puts her hand on mine and leans closer. "I just don't want you to get hurt." She says and I look down. 

"She wouldn't use me... she loves me." I say and she grabs my chin. "Thank why is she doing so much digging trying to find out your secrets." She asks and I look down. Suzuki.. she wouldn't do that... right? "Don't be sad Deku. It'll all work out." ururaka says and I feel tears in my eyes. "I can't believe it." I say and she cups my cheek.

"I am so sorry Izuku." she says and I stare at her. "Thank you for telling me Ochaco." I say squeezing her hand. "Of course." She says and leans closer. "Izuku.." She presses her lips against mine closing her eyes. What am I doing? I'm in love with Suzuki... I close my eyes pressing back into the kiss. What am I doing! Why am I doing this! I pull away and stand up. "S-stop oh my god.." I say and she looks up at me. 

"we shouldn't have done that." I grab my stuff and walk to the door. "Thanks for working with me see you tomorrow." I say rushing out of the room. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! She kissed me... AND I KISSED HER BACK! Oh my god oh my god! I fucked up so bad! 

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