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"Shota! I'm going to take Toshi for a quick walk!" I yell before leaving the dorm. It was getting hectic in there. We were all packing for the move and I was pretty much done I got all my clothes and stuff so I was ready for the move but everyone else still had a lot to do. I decided to take Toshi out for a quick walk. "Oh boy Toshi it's starting to get warmer everyday!" I smile looking around as the sun was going down in the distance creating pretty colors In the sky. 

I took Toshi to do his business before just going for a casual stroll around the campus. "Oh Suzuki~" Someone sings my name from behind me and I turn around only to see Ururaka walking up behind me. "Oh um..." I look down at Toshi who wagged his tail happily. "I just saw you walking past the dorms so I came out to say hi!" She smiles and I quick an eyebrow. 

"Oh well Hi?" I say and pick up Toshi. "Hey um... I just.." She looks down brushing her hair behind her ears getting closer to me. Is she apologizing? "I just thought I told you to stay away from Deku..." She says smiling up at me. "Oh bitch come on enough of that!" I yell and she squints at me. "God I'll just have to get rid of you." She taps my shoulder and bolts out of there. "Bitch...BITCH NO!" I start floating again. 

"STOP DOING THIS SERIOUSLY!" I shout as I start floating up. "Oh crap!" There was nothing out here for me to grab on to and I was seriously going pretty high. "Oh no Toshi!" I grab his small body holding it close to mine as we float higher and higher. "Oh no what do I do?" I look around and sigh. "HEEEEELP! HELP SOMEONE HELP ME!" I scream at the top of my lungs in hopes someone will hear me.

-Deku's POV-

"Hey do you guys here that?" Jiro stops the tv and listens. "Hear what dunce face?" Kacchan asks and we all start listen. "SOMEONE HELP ME!" We hear someone screaming for help outside. "Oh no someone needs help!" We all jump up before going out side. 

"HELP! GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!" We hear the screams and my heart drops. "H-hey thats Suzuki! Where is she?" I look around and we all look for her. "I'M UP HERE!" She yells and we look up she was floating high in the sky. "What the- How'd you get up there?" Todoroki calls and she groans loudly. "I'll give you 3 guesses, HOW THE FUCK DO YOU THINK I GOT UP HERE!" She yells annoyed. "But just someone get me down! I'm afraid I'm gonna drop Toshi!" She yells and Toshi barks in her arms. 

"URURAKA!" I shout but when I look around she wasn't here. "Jeez.." I look around trying to find a way to get her down. "Ok everyone stand back." I mumble and start using one for all. I bounce up at the side of the building and bounce of there high enough and I grab her and Toshi pulling them down to the ground with me. "Thanks Baby.." She sigh and puts Toshi on the ground still holding his leash. "You're still floaty though I can't let you go." I say holding her arm as her legs float above her. 

"Just get me to Ururaka real quick." She sighs and I walk her inside. ON the couch Ururaka sat on her phone Suzuki used her quirk to stop her from floating. "Alright you bitch." Suzuki tied her hair up and walks right in front of Ururaka. "Either you talk with Deku right now or your talking to me. And believe me I'm a lot meaner that him." Suzuki says crossing her arms. "I don't know what you're referring too." Ururaka says not looking up from her phone. 

"Ururaka that was seriously dangerous. If Jiro didn't hear then Suzuki and Toshi could have floated off into the sky and died." Ilda says as we all stare at her. "I've been here." She says looking up at Suzuki. "Are you going to talk to Deku about your feelings for him?" Suzuki asks and I feel my face blush. "No." Ururaka says and Suzuki smirks. "Great then I'm going to talk to you about my feelings for you." She grabs Ururaka's ear and picks her up. 

"O-OW HEY STOP THAT HURTS!" Ururaka whines as Suzuki grips her arms. "Why don't you want me with Deku." Suzuki asks getting close to her face. The air was thick as Suzuki glared at Ururaka. "Cause you a villain." Ururaka says seriously and we all groan. "Exactly. And you know what villains do to heroes?" Suzuki asks grabbing Ururaka's collar. "N-no..." Ururaka stutters and Suzuki gets even closer. "They fucking kill them." Suzuki pulls her knife from her pocket and holds it to her face. 

"WOAH OK Lets calm dow-" "Not now Izuku." Suzuki says keeping her eyes on Ururaka who was now crying. "But you know lucky for you." Suzuki pushes her back onto the couch and stands above her. "I'm not a villains." She flips the knife down putting it back in her pocket. "But just remember..." Suzuki bends down close and puts her arms on the back of the couch next to Ururaka's head. 

"The next time you fuck with me. I'll kill you with my own two hands. I'm not someone that likes to be fucked with Ochaco do you understand me?" Suzuki asks but Ururaka couldn't breath let alone talk. "ANSWER ME!" Suzuki yells and Ururaka flinches. "YES YES!" Ururaka cries and Suzuki grabs her face. "Yes ma'am." She says and Ururaka cries. "Y-yes ma'am!" Ururaka yells and Suzuki lets go of her face. "Get the fuck out of my sight. You lucky I don't tell Shota what happened here." Suzuki says and Ururaka runs out of the room. 

We sit in silence foe a minute and Suzuki shakes her head. "I see who wears the pants in your relationship..." Kacchan whispers to me and I stare in shock at Suzuki. "Why'd you do that!" I yell asks and she crosses her arms. "Obviously I wasn't actually going to do anything to hurt her, I'd never hurt her. I was just scaring her and now she's not gonna mess with me." Suzuki says with a shrug. "Wow...thats actually really smart." Jiro says and Suzuki sighs. 

"I don't wanna hurt her, I don't wanna fight her. Ururaka is a really nice girl! And she just talked with Deku all this would be fine but she almost killed me and my dog today. I'm doing her a favor not telling Shota what happened here because I don't want her to get suspended or even worse suspended. But I knew I need to stop her." Suzuki says and I smile a little. She thought everything through and made a good plan. 

"I don't approve of you methods but we all do appreciate you not getting out friend in trouble." Ilda says with a bow and she nods. "I just want it to stop." Suzuki sighs and picks up Toshi. "I'd rather Deku leave me for her then have to deal with her bullshit. If I dropped Toshi he would have died and that really pisses me off." She sighs before walking past me. Is she.. mad at me? "H-hey wait up!" I run after her out of the dorms and walk with her. 

"I'm so sorry about this puppy." I grab her hand and hold her from walking away. "Are you mad at me?" I asks and she looks down. "Do you like her?" She asks me looking down at the ground. "What! No of course not!" I say and she sniffles. I pick up her face seeing her cry. "I don't wanna be the bad guy Deku. I don't like what I just did in there. I'm not a scary person unless I need to be." She cries and I cup her cheek whipping a tear from her cheek. 

"I hope that worked and she'll stop fucking with me but I meant what I said. If this keeps happened I'm breaking up with you." She sniffles looking down again. I feel my heart sink at the words. "N-no please don't break up with me!" I beg feeling my eyes water. "I'm not. But she's done this twice. I could have died today, Toshi could have died today. If she does this one more time, that will make it 3 fucking times.... I'm breaking up with you." She says and I let my tears fall. 

"I promise I'll talk to her puppy. I don't wanna loose you, I can't loose you! I promise I'll take care of it like should hav done a long time ago." I say holding her cheek. "I-" I stare down at her and she stares up at me with sad eyes. "I love you." I say and she blushes bright red. CRAP Why'd I say that we haven't said that yet! Is it too early? it has to be too early we've only been dating a month there is not way I could say tha-" "I love you too." She says cupping my cheek. 

"R-REALLY?" I ask and she giggles. "Yeah. I love you too." She says kissing me. "I'm so sorry puppy." I say hugging her tight. "It's ok. I know you'll take care of it." She says and I nod. "I promise I will.." I say and she nods. "Ok well I need to get back to Shota's I'm sorry again for what I-" "You did nothing wrong. Go back home safe. I love you." I kiss her cheek and she smiles. 

"Me too."She says and start walking away. I  furrow my eye brows and grab her hand and pull her back. "Say it back." I say looking at her. "Pfft! Seriously?" She asks and I nod. "Say. it. back. I need to hear you say it." I say and she laughs. "Oh my god ok I love you too!" She laughs and I giggle. I'm happy I can make her laugh... I really am in love with her...

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