~Chapter Two~

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I get up to my room and turn my PC on and load up discord. I wait a little to build up the courage and finally call ranboo.

He picked up on the first ring almost like he was waiting for me to call.

Ranboo-"hey cutie" I can hear the grin on his face

Y/n- "he- wait how do you know I'm cute you down know what I look like"

Ranboo-"I can tell your voice gives it away"

Y/n- "okay simp are we playing Minecraft or not"

*time skip 1 hour*

U/n was blown up by a creeper


Ranboo-"BAHAHA" he is dying of laughter

Hearing him laughing makes my anger from the game completely go away, oh the things I'd do to keep him happy and laughing

Ranboo- "y/n? You there?"

Y/n- "ya ya... I'm here sorry zoned out"

Ranboo- "it's totally fine I was about to say I'm about to get off"

Y/n- "oh ok..." I say in a sad tone

Ranboo- "simp... just kidding umm i was gonna ask do you think I could maybe get your number"

Y/n-"uh ya it's *** *** ****"

Ranboo- "okay thanks bye cutie"

Y/n- "bye handsome"

I turn off my PC and head out of my room. As soon as I walk out I'm hit with the smell of (your favorite food)

I run down stairs skipping every other step to see niki just finishing up cooking.

Niki- "just in time, how was Minecraft with rAnBoO"

Y/n- "it was fun, why did you say his name like that"

Niki- " come on it obvious you have some kind of feelings for him"

Niki is my sister. I tell her everything and she's always the most supportive, through heartbreaks, and me hitting home runs in softball she's always been on my side cheering me on and making sure I'm doing my best. So why do I feel nervous to tell her about my feelings for ranboo

Y/n- "I mean come on I just met him and he's your friend I don't think I could see him romantically"

Niki- "you are the worst liar"

You and Niki finish eating and you look at your phone that started ringing. You feel your heart jump out of your chest when ranboo contact pops up....for a FaceTime? Weird

You run upstairs and you answer with your camera facing the ceiling

Ranboo-"Aw I thought I'd get you see your pretty face"

Y/n- "I'll make you a deal... show me your face and I'll show mine"

Ranboo- "okay" he lifts his camera up to show his face

I quickly get lost in is sparkling gray eyes and daydreaming about looking into them in person

Ranboo-" cutie?... y/n?"

Y/n-"huh sorry... oh ya my face"

Ranboo- "simp"

I lift up my camera to show my face and quickly get nervous

*ranboo pov*

She lifts up her camera and shows your face. She is the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

Her e/c eyes glistening and her h/c hair draped over her shoulders

Everything about this girl is perfect

Y/n- "now who's the simp"

I feel my face getting hot as both of us start to blush

I've fallen for her and I've fallen hard

(a/n- why is my own story making me feel alone )

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