~Chapter Eleven~

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(a/n- this is gonna be a short chapter, but expect really long chapter in the future :)  )

Did I hear him correctly

He's in love with y/n

Tommy- "there I said it, I've laid in bed every night almost crying because they cuddle in here all the time, it's worse when I wake up and ranboo is lying there playing with her hair and they look so happy." hes now sobbing.

I cant help but pull him into a hug

Wilbur- "how about you sleep in my room instead"

He nods and starts picking his stuff up

*end Wilbur pov*

*time skip cuz i have no other ideas for this scene*

I walk into the bedroom trying to find tommy. His stuff is gone. I ran down the stairs to ask Wilbur where he is. Wilbur tells me he's in his room. I run back up the stairs, and knock on Wilbur door, and sure enough Tommy opens it.

Tommy- "h-hi y/n"

y/n- "tommy what happened? Why is your stuff out of our room? Are you mad at one of us?"

Tommy- "come in ill explain it to you. It's about time i tell you"

I walk into Wilbur's room and sit on the bed with tommy.

Tommy- "y/n... I have feelings for you, i have for a while"

y/n- "h-huh, what do you mean"

Tommy- "I'm sorry I know your with ranboo"

y/n- "tommy... I just need to think"

I walk out of the door and go across the hall to my room. No one is in there so I immediately start crying.

Why am I crying

Why did he have to say that

I don't want to hurt him

I sit on the floor with my back to the door and just sob into my knees. It must have been 15 minutes of me crying. I hear a faint knock at the door.

Sapnap- "y/n?"

I move out of the way of the door, he opens the door. I can't see him but I know he's staring at me. Suddenly he pulls me up and hugs me, I just sob into his shoulder.

Why am I crying

This is so selfish

I just hate hurting my friends

I don't want to hurt tommy

y/n- "I'm sorry I shouldn't even be crying"

Sapnap- "what happened?"

y/n- "I don't think I should say"

Sapnap- "oh ok... ill leave you alone"

y/n- "thank you"

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