~Chapter Seventeen~

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I wake up and remember everything that happened yesterday. An immediate wave of sadness comes over me. I don't want to move, or do anything today. I just want to lay in bed. I look around and see no one in Tommy's room, they must have gone downstairs. I look at my phone. I see it's 1:34 pm and I have a text from tommy.

Child >:)

Text me when you wake up

I text back

Im awake now tommy

I hear footsteps running up the stairs. Tommy opens the door, he has a sad smile on his face.

Tommy- "hey sleepyhead, how did you sleep"

y/n- "good, still tired though"

Tommy- "really? you slept for like 13 hours"

y/n- "no physically i feel like i could move a mountain. Mentally i'm exhausted, i don't want to leave the bed"

Tommy- "I'm sorry. Are you hungry?

y/n- "no"

Tommy- "y/n you need to eat, you haven't eaten since early yesterday"

y/n- "i just don't have an appetite tommy"

Tommy- "okay okay. I talked to ranboo and he says he'd like to talk to you, it doesn't have to be today you take all the time you need"

y/n- "no i need to talk to him, can you send him in please" a tear runs down my face

Tommy- "y/n don't push yourself"

y/n- "tommy please"

Tommy- "okay"

He leaves the room. Minutes later a tired ranboo walks in the room and sits on the bed

y/n- "why? Ranboo, why?"

Ranboo- "y/n i know you must hate me but please it was a mistake, i'm so sorry."

y/n- "ranboo i could never hate you, i'm upset yes, but i can never hate you"

Ranboo- "thank you"

y/n- " but i-i think we need to b-break up, i just need time to think. I still want us to be best friends and nothing to be awkward"

Ranboo- "o-okay" a tears drips down his cheek

I pull him into a hug

y/n- "i love you ranboo

Ranboo- "i love you too y/n"

As soon as he leaves the room I break down into tears. I want to scream, so I grab a pillow, press my face against it and scream as loud as I can.

Tommy- "y/n y/n y/n, sh sh sh it's okay. What happened?"

y/n- "we... b-broke... up" i manage to get out. Saying those words broke me even more.

Tommy- "y/n.... Do you want me to go get niki, or sapnap"

y/n- "both of them please... will you come back with them too"

Tommy- "of course" he gets up and leaves the room.

I sob into my hands more. Less than 5 minutes later Tommy comes back with niki and sapnap.

Sapnap- "wait y/n what's wrong... tommy just got us and said you needed us"

I try to speak but i just can't get the words out

Tommy- "ranboo and y/n broke up..."

Niki- "oh my god y/n" she pulls me into a hug

Tommy- "sap can i talk to you in the hallway for a second"

Sapnap- "yeah"

*sapnap pov*

Sapnap- "whats up tommy"

Tommy- "i'm just gonna get to the point sap, y/n hasn't eaten since yesterday morning, she claims she's not hungry but i dont know im worried"

Sapnap- "i'll talk to niki about it later, but for now just ask her to eat when shes calm"

Tommy- "okay thank you sap, let's get back to her"

We head back into the room y/n is still sobbing. I feel so bad.

*end sapnap pov*

y/n- "can everyone just give me some space please.... I'm gonna go shower"

I walk out of the room, and into the bathroom. I turn on the shower but i don't get in. i just needed some space.

I needed to cry alone

They were crowding me

I needed to think

I had just broke up with my boyfriend, and they were crowding me. It's not that i didn't love ranboo, i love him very much. I'm just hurt that he would ever do that to me.

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