~Chapter Fifteen~

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I can hear ranboo calling my name as I quickly walk away. Tears falling down my face. I bump into someone, i look up its sapnap

Sapnap- "y/n? What's wrong? Let me get ranboo?"

y/n- "NO... no just please take me to the car... let me sit there until everyone is done"

Sapnap- "please just tell me what wrong" he says picking me up as he carries me to the car

y/n- "ranboo... i-i saw him ki- kissing someone" i manage to say in between sobs

Sapnap- "wha- what... are you sure that was him. I dont think he'd do that" he says putting me down in the back seat

y/n- "then explain why hes running over here"

Sapnap turns around

y/n- "tell him to go away... i want be alone"

He yells exactly that to him

y/n- "can you go get tommy and niki please" i say tugging his shirt

Sapnap- "of course"

There i am left alone to my thoughts

What did i do for him to do this

I'm not good enough that's why

Not 10 minutes later niki and tommy run up to me


y/n- "TOMMY... stop" i start sobbing more

Tommy- "oh fuck im sorry y/n i didnt mean to make you cry more"

He leans to hug me. I flinch

Tommy- "sh sh sh it's just me" he pulls me into his chest

y/n- "i just want to go home"

Niki- "ok i'll drive you two and drop you off"

I scoot over to let Tommy get into the car as niki gets in the front seat.

*tommy pov*

God ranboo is a fucking idiot

How could he do this to such an amazing person

I swear i'm going to wreck his shit when i see him

No tommy focus on y/n she needs me

I hold her tightly as she cries into my shoulder

y/n- "how could i be so stupid tommy? Why did i think ranboo would ever actually love me?"

Tommy- "y/n dont say that hes the stupid one..."

We eventually arrived at the house. I carry y/n into the house, as niki pulls away.

*tubbo pov*

Me and Tommy get off the tea cup ride as niki and sapnap walk up to us. They look mad? Concerned?

Sapnap- "tubbo you need to find ranboo, tommy you need to come with us" he says in a stern voice

Tommy- "whats wrong"

Sapnap- "y/n caught ranboo kissing someone else"


Sapnap- "i don't think y/n would just make that up"


Niki- "just come on tommy"

They walk away and i run around to find ranboo. Finally i see im on a bench.

Tubbo- " ranboo what the fuck"

Ranboo- "tubbo its not what you guys think i promise"

Tubbo- "then explain"

Ranboo- "it was my ex... she forcefully kissed me, y/n ran off before she could see me push her off and yell at her"

Tubbo- "oh my god ranboo.. Tommy wants to murder you"

He starts pacing and freaking out.

Tubbo- "ranboo ranboo chill we just need to talk to her"

Ranboo- "she is gonna hate me"

Tubbo- "she's not gonna hate you... i'm not gonna lie to you it might take a while to gain her trust back and for her to believe you but she won't hate you"

He turns and hugs me

*end tubbo pov*

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