~Chapter Nine~

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As soon as I get into the shower I start bawling my eyes out. I try to stop but I can't.
Why did I yell at him
He is never gonna like me now
What if he hates me
I should just get a flight home I'm just causing trouble
I get out of the shower still crying. I soon make myself stop crying and head back to the room to see ranboo sitting there.

Y/n- "hey can we talk"

He nods. I can tell he's upset.

Y/n- "look I'm sorry I yelled at you, if you don't wanna be around me i understand ill get a flight home to-"

He cuts me off by putting a finger to my lips

Ranboo- "y/n ill admit I'm a little shocked you yelled at me, but i should have looked where i was going. Of course I want to be around you your my best friend, so no you will not be getting a flight home"

I start crying again, he pulls me into a hug. I sob into his shoulder. He eventually lays down leaving my head on his chest, playing with my hair. Every few minutes he would say "shh" or "its okay I'm not mad." I eventually fall asleep laying on his chest.

*ranboo pov*
I lay down with y/n still laying on my chest sobbing. I try comforting her but it doesn't seem to help. Eventually I hear her sobbing stop and her breathing slow down, I hear soft snores coming from her. Phew, she's asleep. I continue rubbing her back gently.
I hear a knock at the door
y/n flinches but stays asleep
Its sapnap

Sapnap- "hey i just wanted to see if everything is okay we heard some crying"
Ranboo- "ya its fine, Y/n was just overthinking a little, shes calmed down now and asleep"
Sapnap- "ya okay do need anything"
Ranboo- "could you actually get me a glass of water"

He gives me a thumps up and leaves the room. I continue rubbing y/ns back. A few minutes later he comes back with a glass of water and a blanket.

Sapnap- "you guys looked cold"
Ranboo- "thanks"

He leaves the room, closing the door. Soon tommy and tubbo tiptoe in the room

Tubbo- "is y/n okay we heard crying and sapnap said she was overthinking?"
Ranboo- "ya she's fine i calmed her down she accidentally yelled at me and she thought i hated her, she said that she would get a flight home if i didnt wanna see her, i wasn't mad at all. it kills me to see her like that"
Tubbo- "you really like her don't you?"
Ranboo- "ya"

Tommy and tubbo fall asleep and I soon do too.

*end ranboo pov*
*time skip*
I wake up and feel cold ranboo isn't in bed anymore. I look up and Tommy and tubbo are still asleep. I get up and head to the kitchen to Phil sitting at the table drinking coffee.

Y/n- "hey dadzą. Do you know where ranboo is?"
Phil- "no i thought he was still asleep in your room"
Y/n- "no hes not there"
Phil- "SHIT"
Y/n- "ill text him


Hey ranboo
Where are you

I just went on a walk
I'll talk to you about it when i get back
I'm on my way

Y/n- "he went on a walk i think something happened i'll talk to him about it later, but he's on his way back"
Phil- "oh okay good"

I walk outside to the porch to wait on him. 5 minutes later I see him walking up the driveway, he looks exhausted. I run up to him and hug him.

Y/n- "you scared me, i thought something bad happened to you"
Ranboo- "im f-fine *sniffle*"
Was he crying
Y/n- "come on tommy and tubbo should be up we can go to our room and you can tell me what happened"

Me and ranboo walk in to see everyone staring at us. I give everyone a death glare. Ranboo and I get to the room and I sit on the bed with him. He stares at his hands fidgeting with his rings.
I place my hand on his cheek and lift his face up to look at me.

y/n- "what happened"
Ranboo- "n-nothing just people on the internet"
y/n- "what are you talking about"
Ranboo- "check twitter"

I look down at my phone and open twitter to see #ranbooandy/nfacereveal trending on twitter.
I feel my heart drop, and a tear flows down my face. I see thousands of picture of me and ranboo with wilbur and tubbo at the airport. I'm speechless. All i can think to do is hug ranboo, this must be hard on him, he's a huge creator.
I feel him sobbing into my shoulder. I just rub his back, I don't know what to say.
We didnt say anything for what felt like 2 hours, it was only 10 minutes. Until tubbo walks into the room.

Tubbo- "hey guys do you wanna- woah what happened? I'll go get philza"
He comes back with phil.
Phil- "what happened you guys?"
y/n- "check twitter"

They both check their phones

Both- "oh my god"

They both hug us. After me and ranboo stopped crying, The guys left the room. I was trying everything I could to distract him.

Y/n- "how about a movie night"
Ranboo- "that's sounds perfect"
Y/n- "okay let's go downstairs and ask people if they want to watch movies with us"
Ranboo- "how about it's just us and we stay in here"

I agree and I sit in his bed and lay my head on his chest. We end up watching rocky horror picture show and *your favorite movie*
I look for and ranboo is asleep.
He's so cute
Just ask him out already
I end up falling asleep while cuddling him

(a/n- 930 WORDS ! im working on the next part now! 

also you can thank my bestfriend phoenix for pushing me to publish this she is apparently "invested" or something. but also HI PHOENIX )

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