~Chapter Eight~

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*time skip*

Me and Phil are just sitting in the beach chair we rented watching tommy and tubbo racing dream in building sand castles, while sapnap times them.

Phil- "so Mr. boo when do you plan on asking Y/n on that date"

Ranboo- "i might ask her tonight and we go tomorrow but that's only if she feels better"

Phil- "you got this bro... ALRIGHT KIDDOS DRY OFF IT'S TIME TO GO" he yells getting up

Quackity and Karl race up to shore. Karl won.

We hop in the cars and drive to the pier to go to some shops. We walked into this small shop that has a bunch of animal things in it, I remember y/n telling me her favorite animal is (you favorite animal) so I found this huge stuffed animal and grabbed it to buy it. I didn't care how much it was. I knew it would cheer her up so I bought it.

*time skip*

We walk into the house and it's completely silent. I quickly walk upstairs and get to the bedroom door. I knock, no answer. I open the door to see y/n peacefully sleeping. Man she is so cute when she's sleeping. I walk over and sit on the edge of the bed. I move her hair out of her face and whisper her name

Her eyes slowly open as she smiles.

*end ranboo pov*

I slowly wake up so see ranboo sitting on the bed

Y/n- "back already?"

Ranboo- "we were gone for five hours"

y/n- "oh i was asleep the entire time"

Ranboo- "feel any better"

Y/n- "sooo much better"

Ranboo- "good cuz I have a present and a question"

My eyes widen as he leaves the room and comes back with a huge stuffed animal

Y/n- "you remembered my favorite animal"

Ranboo- "yes I did and also my question is..."

I look him in the eyes

Ranboo- "will you go on a date with me tomorrow"

Y/n- "yes Mr. boo I would love to go on a date with you"

I hug him and kiss him on the cheek

Y/n- "i uh.. I'm sorry i did that"

Ranboo- "nonononono its okay"

We both blush

Ranboo- "have you eaten today"

I look down at the ground and shake my head and He lifts my head up

Ranboo- "come on let's go get you something to eat"

I follow him down stairs to see everyone in the living room, they all stare at us.

What is going on. Me and ranboo walk into the kitchen and I look for something to eat.

I find that there is stuff to make pasta. Wilbur must have gone grocery shopping before we all got here. I make the pasta, enough for everyone.


Everyone piles to the kitchen table, leaving a space between ranboo and phil. I sit down and we all eat.

Wilbur- "this is really good y/n"

Niki- "you think this is good? Wait until you have had her chocolate chip cookie"

Tubbo gasps- "y/n will you please make them"

y/n- "gladly" I say get up out of my chair to make them

Everyone piles into the living room to watch movies and play board games. Ranboo walks into the kitchen and leans into the door frame

y/n- "you know you don't have to stay in here with me I wont burn down the house"

Ranboo- "I know bu-"

I cut him off "enough go have fun with everybody it's nice but I'm fine"

I basically have to push him out of the kitchen. I kind of wanted him to stay but you bake better when you're alone, and you wanted to impress everyone.

*time skip*

I bring a huge plate of cookies and sit them down in the living room where everyone is playing Uno.

y/n- "so whos winning"

Everyone- "dream" they all groan

Everyone takes a cookie and takes a bite. They all seem to like it. Tubbo definitely liked them the most. He must have had at least 5 cookies. Before I know it it's 9 pm, Tommy tubbo and ranboo are chasing each other around the house, while Phil is yelling at them to slow down.

I get up to go take a shower and someone knocks into me, making me fall over. You look up and ranboo is kneeling down looking concerned.

Ranboo- "omg y/n are you okay"

y/n- "ya I'm fine" I say in an annoyed tone

Ranboo- "look I-"

y/n- "I said I'm FINE"

Ranboo looks shocked. I try to speak to say sorry but he just walks away and goes to the bedroom.

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