~Chapter TwentyThree~

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*y/n pov*

These past couple of days have been painful, but I've been progressing. I've been sitting up and staying awake for more than 5 hours.

The doctors have said that i can get out of the hospital in a couple of days, but on bed rest and using a wheelchair when needed. Tommy nor ranboo have left my side, if one wasn't here then other was. I couldn't ask for better bestfriends. Right now ranboo is at home and i'm sitting in here alone with tommy, i've had something on my mind recently i decide to talk to him about it.

y/n- "tommy can i talk to you about something"

Tommy- "shoot"

y/n- "well i uh... i regret breaking up with ranboo. I can tell he is really sorry, i mean why else would he be spending all of his time here, i just really regret it tommy, i still really love him"

Tommy- "y/n... i wont lie and still kinda hate him for what he did but all i have to say is just follow your heart, but also give yourself time. Especially time to get the fuck out of thisn hell hole" we both chuckle

y/n- "thanks tommy you really are my best friend"

I pull him into a hug.

*A couple days later*

Sapnap- "alright kid you ready to head out of here" he says after him and wilbur get me into my wheelchair.

y/n- " PLEASE! Get me out of here!"

Wilbur- "say less, ranboo is at the house with a surprise for you"

y/n- "w-what"

Tommy- "you'll see" he winks at me

*time skip to the house*

y/n- "hey everyone" i say seeing everyone but ranboo in the living

Tubbo- "Y/N!" he runs up and hugs me

y/n- "hey tubs, where ranboo" i slightly chuckle

Tubbo- "oh right, RANBOOOOO!!!"

He walks down the stairs with a big fluffy f/c blanket, and a bag full of snacks.

Ranboo- "welcome home y/n"

y/n- "ranboo you did not have to" i say on the verge of tears

Ranboo- "i'm pretty sure i did or you would have stolen my blanket... but what i wanted to ask is... do you want to try again and be my girlfriend again"

y/n- "w-what? I mean yes of course"

I look at tommy and he mouths "your welcome" to me

Everyone cheers, i couldn't be happier

After all through all of this craziness

It all started with a donation

aaaaand thats a wrap

thank you all for reading "It All Started With A Donation"

expect more books soon

love you all <3

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