~Chapter Thirteen~

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I'm happy that me and tommy worked everything out, he really is my best friend.

y/n- "alright go have fun bitch boy" I say messing up his hair

He flips me off as he walks out the room. Me and ranboo both laugh.

*time skip a couple days*

I'm lying in bed with ranboo, not saying or doing anything, just laying there.

y/n- "ranboo, promise to be here for me no matter what?"

Ranboo- "of course love where is this coming from?"



My boyfriend at the time had just hung up from yelling at me. All because he lost a fortnite game, because I texted him goodnight and that i loved him. I sat on my bed curled in a ball for at least 20 minutes. Suddenly he burst into my room, yelling and screaming at me.

You little b!tch

You couldn't stop being clingy for 1 hour could you

He trashed my room. I tried to say something but before I could he raised his hand, I felt my cheek heat up and it hurt like hell.

*end flashback*

Ranboo- "y/n? Love? What's wrong why are you crying"

I was suddenly pulled back into reality

Ranboo isn't like him

He wouldn't do that to me

y/n- "I'm sorry, I-it's nothing don't w-worry"

Ranboo- "love... your crying tell me what's going on"

I explain everything that happens as tear pour down my face, no matter how many times ranboo wiped my tears they still covered my face. He pulls me into a hug and i just sob into his shoulder.

*ranboo pov*

I felt so bad. She deserves the best, but she got the worst. I pull her into a hug, she sobs into my chest. I lay on my back laying her down on my chest. I play with her hair, she eventually calms down.

Ranboo- "I love you y/n"

y/n- "I love you too" she sounds exhausted

Ranboo- "go to sleep I'm right here i won't let go"

She nods as she dozes off. Soon after I fell asleep as well.

*end Ranboo pov

*time skip*

I wake up with my head snuggled into ranboos chest. I look up to see him on his phone.

Ranboo- "good morning sleepy head"

y/n- "good morning"

Ranboo- "how are you feeling"

y/n- "better... i think"

He pulls me in tighter, I feel a wave of happiness come over me.

Mr. boo you are setting the standards very high

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