~Chapter Seven~

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I wake up to arms wrapped around me, I'm confused then I remember last night and how Ranboo held me until I fell asleep. I try to breathe in from my nose and I can't, it's all stuffed up and my throat is killing me. FUCK! I'm sick. I probably ruined this whole day. I feel ranboo toss and turn so I know he's waking up.

Ranboo- "hey cutie"

Y/n- "hi" i say in a raspy voice then coughing after

Ranboo- "what's wrong... damn your forehead is burning up" he say putting my hand on my forehead

I feel tears threatening to pour out my eyes. Ranboo hugs me and tells me it's okay and that I probably just have a cold. Suddenly I feel him getting up.

Y/n- "where are you going" i get cold without his touch

Ranboo- "shh im going to go get niki and wilbur" he says putting another blanket on me.

I snuggle up as he leaves the room.

After about 10 minutes ranboo comes back with niki and wilbur. Ranboo has a cup of tea in his hands, and niki has some medicine.

Wilbur- "how are you feeling?"

Y/n- "like crap, maybe i should have listened yesterday and put warmer clothes on"

Niki- "i don't understand you never get sick, this is so weird"

Y/n- "ya... well im gonna go take a bath and see if that makes me feel any better"

I get up and grab some warm clothes and head to the bathroom.

*time skip*

I head out of the bathroom feeling a little bit better. I walk into my room to see ranboo sitting on his bed on his phone. God he looks so cute.

Ranboo- "hey how are you feeling"

Y/n- "i little better my nose is clear, my throat just hurts"

Ranboo- "everyone is planning on going to the beach today are you up for it, or do you wanna stay"

Y/n- "ill stay i kinda want some alone time so i don't get everyone sick"

Ranboo- "okay then ill stay too"

Y/n- "no go i dont wanna ruin your fun"

Ranboo- "okay ill go only because i can tell you need rest"

I smile at him as he leaves the room. I lay down and snuggle up in bed and scroll through twitter. I eventually fall asleep.

*ranboo pov*

I walk out of the room, I can say I'm kind of sad that I'm going without her. I head down the stairs to see everyone with their beach bags in hand and waiting for me.

Tubbo- "where's Y/n?"

Ranboo- "she still doesn't feel good and she said she's not up for it, and as much as i hate leaving her here alone i can tell she needs some rest"

Tommy- "okay quit farming awes now let's hit the beach"

We all pile into the two cars Phil and Wilbur up front me and niki in the middle and tommy and tubbo in the back. The rest of the group in the other car. Niki starts playing music starting with "I'm in love with an E girl" we all laugh and scream the lyrics. I can't help but worry about y/n, i felt bad leaving her. But this gives me the chance to surprise her with a gift.

Wilbur turns down the music. We are all confused

Wilbur- "okay ranboo what is going on with you and Y/n"

Ranboo- "what do you mean we are best friends"

Phil- "ya we dont believe that bullshit anymore"

I blush and look down fidgeting with my rings.

Niki- "if you like her ask her out on a date you won't regret it, i'll even help you set it up"

Ranboo- "okay where would i even take her"

Niki- "OMG YES YOU DO LIKE HER!! But in all seriousness she loves animals take her to the zoo or something"

I hum in response as we pull into the beach.

(a/n- I should not  be writing this much when i have to do an art project, its fine there's only a little bit left so I can finish it tomorrow)

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