~Chapter TwentyOne~

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I woke up. And immediately jump out of bed. I get sapnap up and ranboo, I know I hate him but I know he really wants to see y/n.

Sapnap- "alrighty dudes, yall ready"

Tommy- "oh wait hold on"

I run up stairs to grab my teddy bear so y/n can have it while in the hospital.

Sapnap- "a raggedy teddy bear tommy?"

Tommy- "shut up.... Its my teddy bear from when i was a baby, y/n needs it more than me right now"

Sapnap- "thats cute, come on simps"

We get into the car, and drive to the hospital. We get there and Wilbur and niki are sitting eating mcdonalds, niki barely touching her food. I turn and look at ranboo, a tear rolls down his face.

Ranboo- "you guys didn't say she was this bad"

Sapnap- "we didn't wanna worry you guys too much"

He walks over to y/n and i walk over to the other side

Tommy- "talk to her, it helps"

Ranboo- "hey y/n... i dont even know what to say, you probably don't even want me here"

Niki- "don't say that, if i know my sister she would be happy your here"

Sapnap- "try talking about happy things... like memories"

Ranboo- "remember that time me, you, tommy, and tubbo all were playing minecraft, and we decided to marry endermen we had in boats, then once we were done we celebrated by setting off chicken cannons."

Tommy- "i remember that, we lagged so bad the game crashed" we both chuckle

Tommy- "y/n, i uh brought my teddy bear for you... i know you said a few nights ago that you didnt want me to give it up to you, but you need it more than i do, so i want you to have it."

Niki- "tommy thats really sweet"

*y/n pov*

I can hear ranboo, everything he's saying, all the pain in his voice. Why are they all so sad over me, it's not like I'm dead, even if I was, I'm not that important.

God y/n wake the fuck up

Im in so much pain

They know i am

God y/n wake up so they can stop worrying

I want to scream but i cant i try to do anything, move, speak, open my eyes something. Someone grabs my hand, its tommy, finally i get the energy or squeeze his hand a tiny bit, enough for him to notice. With that i pass out again

*tommy pov*

I'm holding y/n hand, if she can feel it I want to comfort her. What i didn't expect to happen is for her to squeeze my hand back.

Tommy- "holy shit...."

Wilbur- "what tommy"

Tommy- "y/n, she squeezed my hand back..."

Niki- "really! Oh my god finally" she has already started crying

Sapnap- "ill go get a doctor

The doctor comes back and takes a look at her.

He tells us that y/n is getting better, and that if she keeps progressing she should be awake in the next 2 to 3 days. Her being awake is good, but i don't know if i'm ready to watch her be in pain. No I will, I'll help her every step of the way, I'll never leave her side.

Its already been a month here in California, it's been a bumpy ride. I don't know if i'm ready to leave everyone especially y/n, she only lives like 2 hours away from me but still...

(a/n- i know this isn't a very long chapter, its kind of a filler. im working on it

much love<3

drink water, be gay do crime ;) )

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