~Chapter TwentyTwo~

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New Chapter!!! guys seriously thank you so much for all the support! sorry for no updates i was on vacation (don't worry I am completely vaccinated)

*Two days later*

The past couple of days have been just a waiting game. Waiting to see when y/n will wake up. The only hope we have gotten is a slight hand squeeze, or a nose scrunch meaning she was in pain. Right now everyone is here, it's a little crowded i wont lie but it's comforting

There was a knock at the door. It was the two cops from days before.

Officer 1- "is Thomas simons here?"

Tommy- "y-yes sir"

Officer 1- "you need to come with us, no need to worry we just have some questions about the car, you can bring someone with you if you'd like."

Wilbur- "ill go with you tommy"

Tommy- "o-okay"

Me and Wilbur walk out of the room with the officers. Wilbur can tell i'm nervous, so he rubs my back.

Officer 1- "okay son do you remember anything about the vehicle? color? Brand? License plate?"

Tommy- " it was silver, a toyota camry? Maybe? I'm not sure I didn't get a good look at it. I was too worried about y/n and trying to help her."

Officer 2- "is there anyone that you think would do this? Like someone with a grudge?"

Tommy- "her ex dylan? Maybe? Or ranboos ex? I don't know anyone else"

Officer 1- "we will look into it son, for now get some sleep you look exhausted"

Wilbur- "thank you officers i'll take care of him"

We shake hands with them

We got back into the room. Everyone is standing around y/n. Then I see her...

Shes awake

*sapnap pov*

Tommy and Wilbur left the room. I won't lie, I'm worried about Tommy, he's got all of this going on and I know he isn't sleeping much, he won't admit it though. Dream won't take his eyes off of y/n, he's the most protective over her. As I'm talking to Karl, I hear a dream say something.

Dream- "y/n can you hear me?"

I turn around, shes awake.

She nods

I hear the door open and i see tommy

He looks like he's seen a ghost... but also relieved?

*y/n pov*

Tommy walks up to me, ranboo on the other side. I'm glad that they are both here. Where was tommy?

Tommy- "n/n? How are you feeling?"

I nod trying to lie

Tommy- "y/n, you don't have to lie to me, i know you're hurting."

I frown

Ranboo- "its okay y/n we are gonna be right here through it all"

Y/n- "t-thank you g-guys" I managed to get out

Tommy- "sh sh sh save your energy, it's okay"

I feel a tear run down my face, ranboo reaches up and wipes it off.

*Tommy pov*

Tommy- "hey uh guys... can I have a minute alone with y/n?"

Niki- "of course tommy, take all the time you guys need, come on guys"

They all leave I can't help but start crying

Tommy- "god y/n I'm so sorry I should have done something, this is all my fault and I'd understand stand if you want me to leave. I should have saw the car and got you out of the wa-"

Y/n-" Tommy!" She cuts me off

I look up at her

She just shakes her head

Y/n- "it's not your fault at all please don't blame yourself, I was the one playing in the middle of the road"

Tommy- "okay I'm sorry" I grab her hand and squeeze it.

I know she exhausted

Eventually her eyes get heavy and she falls asleep and everyone comes back in.

Quackity- "asleep again? Hasn't she been sleeping for like 4 days" he says jokingly

Tommy- "she was tired so I let her sleep"

Dream- "I'm so glad she's okay"

Phil- "we all are dream" he says patting me on the head

Yeah.... Me more than anyone.

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