~Chapter Nineteen~

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*tommy pov*

y/n is playing in the rain, she looks so happy.

That happiness is soon ruined when i snap out of my thoughts, to see a car coming full speed and before i can think

She was hit

I quickly open the door to the house, yell for someone, anyone, then run over the y/n.

She's still breathing, but bleeding badly. I take off my hoodie to apply pressure. I hear sap, niki, karl, and quackity run out. I yell at Karl to quickly call 911. My mind is racing

Please y/n

Stay with me

Hold on for me please

Minutes later the ambulance arrives and niki gets in and goes with them. I watch as they leave the street. Karl, quackity, and sapnap all behind me.

Sapnap- "tommy come on let's go inside, it's pouring and we need to talk to everyone"

Tommy- "b-but y/n we have to go wait for her"

Karl- "niki will call when we can go see her, but for now you need to go inside and calm down"

I didn't even notice that I was crying. Sapnap hugs me tightly, then we walk inside. Everyone is standing around in the living room with worried faces.

Tommy- "y/n.... There was a car.... It hit her.... Then drove off" I managed to get out.

Ranboo and tubbo- "oh my god"

Tommy- "we need to go"

Sapnap- "tommy even if we did go we would be able to see her, they need to treat her"

Tommy- "but i don't want to just leave her there we have to be there"

Wilbur- "tommy calm down" he put his hands on my shoulders "we will be there as soon as we are able to see her i promise" he pulls me into a hug


George- "dream... calm down" he takes dreams hand

Dream- "NO IM NOT GONNA CALM DOWN.... I think i can speak for all of the adults here, y/n has become like a little sister to us, and its our job to protect her"

Phil- "dream theres really not a way for us to find the person"

Dream- "ill figure it out" dream storms off

I've never seen dream so damn mad before. Have to admit it's a little scary. George runs after him to cool him off.

Wilbur- "tommy how about we go to bed, you could use some sleep"

I nod as I follow Wilbur upstairs.

*time skip*

It's 8 am i didnt sleep a wink. I couldn't. I got a call. It was niki!

Tommy- "hello? Niki? Is y/n okay? How is she doing? can I come see her?"

Niki- "Tommy calm down.... She had to have surgery. She's still unconscious, they don't know when she will wake up, but she will wake up. And yes you can come see her."

Tommy- "oh my god... thank you niki. I'll wake will up and have him bring me there asap"

Niki- "okay tommy see you soon"

I hung up. I wake wilbur up and tell him exactly what niki told me. I told sapnap too. Me wilbur and sapnap got ready and got in the car. Making sure to leave a note in the kitchen to let the others know where we have gone.

I don't know what i'm thinking

How am i supposed to see her like this

No no i have to stay together

For her

Wilbur- "okay we are here, you ready tommy"

Tommy- "as ready as i'll ever be"

We walk in and take the elevator to the 3rd floor, then we see niki sitting in front of a room. She looks exhausted. Her face is stained with tears.

Wilbur- "oh niki..." he hugs her

Niki- "im so worried wil, i'm so tired"

Sapnap- "wil, l you take her home i'll stay with tommy, niki we will watch after her we promise"

Niki- "thank you sapnap" she hugs him as well

Niki and Wilbur walk off. Sapnap and I walk towards the room.

I put my hand on the door handle but i cant open it. Sapnap does it for me

I see her laying in the hospital bed, unconscious. Somehow, with all the cuts, bruises, and scabs she still looks perfect. I don't know if she can hear me but I decided to talk to her.

Tommy- "hey n/n i dont know if you can hear me, but i feel like i should talk to you" i wipe my tears then hold her hand "you know, out of the two of us i always thought it would be me to be in your situation" i laugh a little "i hope your not tired of me yet, cuz im going to be here everyday and be right by your side until your out of here"

Sapnap- "same with me... we are gonna be making jokes and do anything to cheer you up when you wake up"

I can hear the pain in sapnaps voice

I would do anything to trade spots with her right now

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