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chapter 2

·Cassandra pov·

"Are you allergic to anything?" I asked, reading the bottle of injury disinfected spray closely.

I'd never used it before and I didn't know if any of the ingredients in it would give her an allergic reaction.

I didn't want to cause more damage than I already have.

When she didn't answer I spun around to look at her as I leaned against the counter.

She was staring directly at me with a glare, holding the wet towel to her temple that was still leaking blood. She had her knees pulled to her chest while one arm was resting on her knees. Her free hand was clenched.

I don't know if she was trying to be intimidating, but it wasn't working. She doesn't look very intimidating. Cute, but not intimidating at all.

Did I mention that earlier? Because yeah, she's really cute.

Her hair was the perfect shade of pink, brown full eyebrows, hazel eyes, full lips, naturally long eyelashes, and caramel toned skin. Her ears were scattered with all different types of piercings, and her nose had a piercing too. She was dressed fly as hell. I think the Jordans she was wearing came out two days ago, and to top it all off she she wore creme cargo pants, and a white Jordan puffer coat. There were a few rings on each of her hands, and some chains around her neck. She must have had some money, money.

"Are you gonna answer me?" I asked meeting her eyes.

She kept silent then looked me up and down. When she was done she met my eyes again, and made sure I saw her roll her's

I scoffed, fed up, as she turned her body away from me. "Look, I don't have time for this, okay? I apologized and I'm trying to help, but how am I supposed actually do so if your irritating ass won't even open your mouth and speak to me?"

"I'm irritating? If yo strong man hand ass would have never opened the door like that, my fuckin' head would not be bleeding, and my coat would still be white!" She replied loudly back at me before turning back to the wall.

My eyes widen. I didn't except her to sound like that. She sounded... different. She most definitely had an accent, but I didn't know where.

I sighed running a hair threw my braids as silence filled the room.

I understood why she was angry. I did ruin her coat because there was most definitely a good amount of noticeable blood on it. And I did give her that big gash on her forehead. I guess I can give her a pass on telling me I had man hands. Which isn't true, by the way.

"Uh, ok. I'm sorry about your coat, and head, and the door. I honestly didn't mean to do that." I apologized genuinely. She didn't respond to that.


I turned to face the counter and dipped a clean towel in the warm bucket of water. I dropped the towel in the bucket and carried it over to where she was sitting. I grabbed her by the shoulder so she could face me, and pulled her hand away from the wound.
I saw her tense up and I let out a small laugh.

"Relax, I'm only gonna clean it,"

I rung the towel out over the bucket and pressed the towel against the dry blood areas on the side of her face and neck. It took some time to get all the blood off of her but it was working. I took her hands and wiped them off before dipping the towel back in the bucket and going back to the cabinet.

I opened it and grabbed the half empty bottle of hydrogen peroxide and a full bottle of unopened alcohol. She must have noticed it. "What the fuck you got that for?" She asked as if she was offended. "Didn't you just clean it?"

"I cleaned the dry blood off you. I didn't clean the wound." I mumbled as I tore the wrap to open the alcohol bottle.

"Alcohol burns."

"What are you, six? It needs to be cleaned..."

"Or what?"

I turned to face her. "Or it'll get infected."

"Ah, my shivers have been fucking timbered." She rolls her eyes.

"It's gonna get infected if I don't clean it." I tell her.

"Oh, well." She shrugged simply and my mouth fell open. "It'll just get infected and I'll die. But it won't be in vain. My family will sue yours. Boom. Problem solved."

"I can't afford a lawsuit." I most definitely can't.

"That's not my problem."

My eye twitched and I felt the sudden urge to strangle her but I kept my composure, breathing in.

"Fine, we'll just use peroxide..." I said reaching over to grab the brown bottle.


"Girl, please, everyone knows peroxide doesn't burn." I scoffed covering the towel in some peroxide.

"Bro, take that bullshit back to the store cause I'm not buying it," She rolled her eyes. "Fuck you."

I checked my phone and saw that an hour had passed. I need to get back to work and I don't have time to negotiate with a sophomore in highschool. "Girl, bye..." I grabbed the towel and made my way over to the counter she was sitting on and pressed the towel to the wound.

"Fuck!" She cursed loudly with shut eyes.

I ignored her constant cursing words, and continued to clean the bloodied spot. "It don't even hurt that bad. You don't gotta be a baby about it," I muttered dipping one of the loose cotton balls in peroxide and pressing it against her forehead.

"I'm not being a baby," She huffed crossing her arms against her chest making me raise an eyebrow at her.


"What were you doing up there anyway?"

"..Nothing," She replied after awhile.

"Well, it didn't seem like nothing." I muttered. She rolled her eyes. It seemed to be a habit of hers. That, and cursing. "Fine. Don't tell me."

"I wasn't gonna tell you anyway,"

"Why do you have such an attitude problem?"

"I don't have an attitude problem," She told me harshly before making a sudden click sound with her tongue and hitting herself in the chest. "Ow," She complained at her actions softly.

"I'm gonna pretend, I didn't see or hear... whatever that was,"

I continued to clean the wound. Looking at it up close it kinda look liked she needed stitches. But as I cleaned the blood up it started to look less like it. Some more time passed and now the blood had stopped bleeding out and it actually calmed my nerves down. I took a step back to exam my amateur nurse work.

Solid 8 out of 10.

My eyes accidentally caught hers and I internally cursed myself as I looked away. Even though they played a part in her looking way tired than she needed to be looking, I still find her eyes to be pretty. I feel like I could drown in them and it's the good kind of drown, and the bad kind of drown; But I'm not really sure which is worse to be honest.

"Y'know," She spoke up quietly after awhile, looking up at me. ".. putting you ruining my coat aside, I think you're pretty." Her eyes went to the corner of my chest to read my name tag. "Cassandra," She read aloud. "I love it." She smiles sweetly and I feel my cheeks burn a little as I try to fight off a smile. "Your name sounds old as hell though.."

"My eyes are up here," I say, clearing my throat. "And what do you mean 'kind of'?"

"I mean you're no me," She smiles, proud of her good looks. "Because if you have not noticed, I'm hot as fuck. Like, seriously breathtaking."

"You're something." I mutter, pressing a cotton ball against her forehead causing her to curse out loud for the hundredth time today.


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