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chapter fifteen

Cassandra pov

"I don't think we should be doing this." I mumbled biting my lip and Hailey let out a loud obviously irritated groan.

But I didn't care. I haven't been spending time with her for three hours and now look, we up here stealing junk food. She a bad influence. She even look like one of those kids yo parents tell you to stay away from. And I bet it's most definitely 'cause they run away from home too much, and be getting suspended for bring knifes to school then showing those knifes off.

Don't ask me why I put so much detail in that. I wouldn't give you a good answer.

"Bro, you literally got nothin' to worry about. I do this all the time. Just don't get caught." She said picking up a bag of veggie sticks and checking them out before stuffing them in her jacket. "We'll be alright."

"I'm just sayin' when you suggested getting snacks, I didn't think we would be stealing them." I shrugged grabbing a bottled minute maid from the refrigerator.

"Shit everything you take out and it won't be stealing. It'd kinda be like borrowing. You just giving it back to them threw the sewer." She laughed and I gave her a look.

If she didn't look that good I would have never agreed to this.

I don't care, I don't care, I'm never getting over how good she look.

And the only time she look bad is when she acting immature and standoffish.

Acting like an asshole is unattractive.

"Why is this stuff so expensive? Hell yeah, I'm gonna steal! They should be embarrassed, bro. Do you see these prices, Cassandra?" She asked. "Six dollars for a bag of mini almond joys. Who out here eatin' almond joys? Fuck outta here." Hailey threw the almond joys back on the shelf.

"My cousin loves almond joys," I told her matter of factly.

"Yo cousin fucked up in the head then." She muttered.

A few more minutes passed and I finally decided I had picked up enough junk. I turned to Hailey showing her everything I got. Hershey's, a Snicker, a pack of skittles, hot fries, minute maid, a hot pickle, a mini tub of ben and jerry's ice cream, and three bottles of overpriced fiji water. She looked up at me with a raised brow seeing all of it.

"..And you positive you can carry all that?" She asked stuffing a pack of gum in her pocket.

"I am,"

"Alright. Let's go." She said zipping up her jacket that was obviously stuffed with that vegan mess she ate. I eyed her jacket.

"You know too much about this.. how often do you do this?"

"Nevermind that. Let's-" Hailey's words were cut off by the jiggling of the doorknob and then a loud knock. It was the security guard. He told us that he knew we were in here, and for us to just return everything and come out peacefully. "What the fuck? I thought you said you saw the security on the sixth floor?" She asked.

"I did," I said and the knocking came back and started to grow louder. "Hailey, maybe we should just put everything back-" I was cut off by the look on Hailey's face.

"What, no?! You picked it up, you obviously want it, so you're gonna have it." She told me.

"This is like one hundred dollars worth of junk we stole. Do you really wanna go to jail for this?" I asked, because I didn't want to be in trouble for this stuff you could get at the corner store for twenty dollars.

She literally laughs out loud. "Dude, I'm not scared of jail. Fuck jail, and fuck him. C'mon, let's go." She grabbed my arm and she pushed a door I didn't even know existed open and as soon as we were out the security was chasing after us.

"Come back here!" He shouted.

Hailey clearly found amusement in the entire situation and started laughing. She was a lot faster than me so it was a little hard to keep up, especially with all this stuff in my hands. "Come on, come on, come on." She giggled, grabbing my hand and pulling me along with her so now I was force to catch up and go the same speed as her.

Hailey looked like she was having the time of her life, but I was struggling for real.

Why am I so unfit?

I should've took up track freshman year. Now I'm lazy and can't run.

I felt like we were running for hours. At this point I had dropped a few things as we ran, and were coming to a dead end. So we either had to turn to go upstairs and turn to go downstairs. We were on a high floor so obviously downstairs. It wasn't a lot of stairs but they would certainly slow us down.


"Don't worry about it. Just jump." Hailey said letting go of my hand. She skipped down a few steps before jumping all together and landing on both feet before taking off as if it was nothing.

No way I was doing all that.

She on some ole parkour mess.

My knees ain't built for things like this anyway.

I just ran down the stairs and I knew I was going to slow when I could hear the security guard right behind me. I ran down the only hallway and I didn't see Hailey nowhere.

Did she sit up here and leave me?

What's wrong with her?

This here fault anyway and she gonna leave? I can't believe I'm about to be in trouble over a Snicker and Hot Fries.

God, when I see that girl she got another thing coming-

Hands pulled me in a room and I didn't know what room this was. It was dark, couldn't see nothing, and I gotta mention again I don't know what room this was. I opened my mouth to say something to whoever was in this room and a soft hand covered my mouth before I could get anything out. The light flicked on and my eyes took a minute to adjust, but then I did. It was Hailey and this was our room.

"Ssh," She mumbled and went to look threw the peephole. A few minutes passed and she sat down on one of the two beds, as if we didn't just steal and avoid a security guard so we wouldn't get caught. "So, wanna watch Disney Plus?"

"W-what about the security guard?"

"Erm, personally.. he looks a little off. I don't want him to watch with us." She said stuffing some of those veggie straws in her mouth. "You dropped a lot of things while we were running."

"I'm aware and also you know what I'm talking about." I told her with a eye roll sitting on the bed Hailey had sat on.

She let out a sigh. "Forget about all that. I unplugged my xbox for you, and I got a wack ass subscription. Let's just chill out-" A loud knock coming from the other side of the door shut Hailey up and we both turned to the door.

Oh, no..

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