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chapter thirteen

Cassandra pov

Hailey, along with the girl she was with earlier, were first in line when I arrived to start my rollercoaster shift.

They swung their intertwined hands back in forth as Hailey talked on the phone looking behind her every so often, as the girl rested her head on her shoulder.

I walked in front of the controls which meant it was time for everybody to get on. As Nate, my co-worker, opened the gate he stopped Hailey as soon as she tried to get pass with her phone.

"Um, miss? Your not allowed to bring your phone with you on the ride. Safety concerns."

Hailey eyed Nate up and down before hanging up whoever she was talking with, and handed him her red iPhone twelve. She walked to the back of the rollercoaster and took her seat, almost the whole line rushed to the back as well. A few were disappointed they couldn't get at the back and I didn't know why. I shrugged it off and glanced at the controls checking to see if everything was set.

"Excuse me?" It was the goth girl with Hailey, I raised my head to see what they needed. "Um, my best friend a pussy. She think her seatbelt is loose, can one of you come check it out?" She asked politely and I walked over there. I pulled on the seatbelt checking to see if it was loose and it most definitely was. Silly Guys did not need a lawsuit. I tightened it and looked up at her.

"Is that better?"

"Yeah, thanks." She replied softly.

Ok, then.

"No problem," I mumbled and went back to where I was supposed to stand.

Nate did the last check to make sure everyone was secure and gave me a thumbs up. He moved out the way, and I started the rollercoaster up. The rollercoaster went fifty-five miles per hour, it was one hundred-five feet, and went around three times. The height restrictions was four six, and it was around three minutes. The entire thing was a dark shade of red based off a demon, Mike named it 'The Second Wife' after his second wife. They were married for three years. Apparently she was a terrible woman, and she Summer's mama so it's easy to believe. I ain't even the type to judge people I never met, but come on now. It's Summer.

I was used to the screams by now at first it gave me a headache, but I could tolerate it.

The rollercoaster did the second go around and eventually the third time around then it came to a complete stop, and so did the screaming.

The seatbelts lifted automatically and everyone got off.

Hailey stopped and grabbed her phone and we stared at each other for awhile.

Her best friend had already walked off and more people were boarding using the other exit.

She looked a little out of it? "A-are you okay?" I smiled, chuckling a bit and she nodded with a smile.

"Yeah," She cleared her throat, shaking her head a little. "Just a lil disoriented.."

Then we were just standing in front of each other on silence again.

"Did you need anything else?" I asked after awhile.

"To leave. You blocking the door." She said pointing behind me and my eyes widen as I quickly moved out the way. "Oh, yeah. My bad." I apologized and she walked past without another word.


I wiped off the go-kart equipment with a disinfected wipe and placed it back where it was. After the last group came and raced for a few minutes I could go on lunch break. I heard a bunch of foot steps and I turned to see Hailey and her group of friends. There were nine of them, and nine go-karts. So there was just enough. Hailey wasn't up under the girl anymore, in fact she was far away from her.

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