𝑠 𝑒 𝑣 𝑒 𝑛 𝑡 𝑦 𝑡 𝑤 𝑜

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A/N: worst chapter i've ever written .. have mercy on my soul 🤧.


- Cassandra's Pov, -
- i'd believe it twice - Chapter Seventy Two -
- March 3rd 2022 -
- March 10th 2022 -

"Ms. Ambers? This is Dr. Goldman, Cassandra, can you hear me?" An unfamiliar voice, presumably belonging to this 'Dr. Goldman' fellow asks. As heavy as my eyes feel, I manage to open them up and the darkness fades away, slipping into something I can only describe as a faint blurry mess. I blink once, I blink twice twice.. "Ms. Ambers?" He asks once more, and that's when I see this bright ass light in my face, aiming directly into both of my eyes.

"What are you doing?" I question quickly, bringing my hands my eyes in an attempt to stop the light from shining so bright into them. "S-stop it,"

Dr. Goldman clicks off the flashlight and nods quickly, sighing to himself. "Ah, you're awake." After the forth blink everything that was once blurry starts to become clearer. Dr. Goldman stands in front of me with a light smile, a smile that's attempting to be a reassuring one. Dr. Goldman's skin was a pasty white, almost the color of marble, just without the warmth part of it all. He had light blue eyes, and blonde hair that looked like it would be gone in the next five years or so (he's balding).

I feel like the things that contribute to his appearance is kinda ironic in a way, seeing his last name is 'Goldman' and all.

Anyway, I look down at my body, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion when I finally notice the hospital gown I'm dressed in. "Um, so, w-what happened?" I ask softly, looking up at Dr. Goldman with vulnerable eyes.

"You fainted." He answers easily, taking a file off the counter near the skin and opening it up. "You woke up two times today.. yet you weren't very responsive."

"I don't remember that." I admit and he nods, humming to himself. "That's alright."

A few seconds pass before he clears his throat and speaks again. "Uh, alright... Ms. Ambers, can you tell me today's date, the color of your eyes, and your date of birth?" He asks, before looking up, clicking his pen, waiting for my response as I remain silent. "Miss?"

"Oh," I blink, trying to gather my thoughts, ignoring the thumping feeling in the back of my head. "Um, the date is March 2nd 2022, the color of my eyes are dark brown, and I was born July 19th 2003."

Dr. Goldman let's out a soft sound, nodding, as he writes something down on the clipboard before speaking. "You've been out for a few hours, Ms. Ambers. An ambulance drove you here yesterday at around six pm, and now it's.." He checks his watch, before nodding again. "..yes, it's two in the morning."

Oh? "Oh.." I reply softly. "So, it's March 3rd?" I ask and he nods. "Yep. Since you've woken up have you been experiencing any pain? Headache, back pain?"

"My head hurts."

Dr. Goldman scribbles something down. "Anything else?"

I shake my head absently as the heat creeps it's way up my neck, my arms stinging as the thumping in my head turns, echoing in my ears. "My body feels hot," I mutter softly. "It's been like this for a couple of days, a couple of weeks.. a couple of weeks, I think.."

"Did the pain in your head cause the fainting. Perhaps it was too strong and-" I cut him off, speaking. "Well, I felt dizzy from the feeling in my ears but I think the headache played a part in it." I explain and he nods.

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