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Cassandra's Pov
((February 9th 2022))

"Thanks so much for you guy's help today, Reign and Cassie." The school's library, Mrs. Nelson, smiles sweetly when she sees the four nicely organized bookshelves we've just completed. "I really mean it when I tell the both of you, that you ladies did a really good job. I can pay you guys twenty dollars for all your hard work today." She offers kindly and I shake my head, waving her off.

"No, that's fine. We're just happy that we could help you out." I smile genuinely and she smiles.

I'm honestly not worried about the money.

I been noticing that Mrs. Nelson has been getting a little old and even though it's literally her job to keep the library intact and nice, it wouldn't be so wrong to just go ahead help her out from time to time. "That's so sweet of you, darling." She smiles again.

"It really is, but.." Reign chuckles, before speaking again. "But I personally wouldn't mind the twenty you had in store for me."

I subtlety hit her in the side with my elbow and she hits me back, causing me to stifle a groan.

That actually kind of hurt.

"Honestly I would have not stayed if I was aware this was gonna be free labor." She admits, with a smile.

She's such a horrible person kinda. Like, I'm for real starting to believe that Reign isn't shit.

"Oh, dear.." Mrs. Nelson nods slowly in a hesitant tone. "L-let me get my purse. I'll be with you in a moment."

And when she's out of view I turn to look at reign and she looks back at me. "Peek a-fucking-boo, Cassie." She looks at me and I roll my eyes. This girl right here.

"This was supposed to be a nice thing we did today."

"Yes, I completely agree. And her nice thing she can do today is give us the money in return." She replies and all I can do is shake my head, walking off.

"I'm going to the car."

"I'll meet you there." she calls after me.

When I get outside I check my notifications and see Hailey called me a few hours ago so I decide to return the call. I press my phone to my ear and it rings twice before I hear her voice on the other end.

"Cassandra?" She asks and I smile a little. "Hi."

"Hi, baby.." She mumbles out groggily.

I furrow my eyebrows. "Did I wake you up?"

"Nah, I've been up for a minute. Well, not, like, a literal minute but y'know what I mean, I think. I, um, I can't wait to see you. A-are you coming over later or-" Then her quick sputter of words is cut off by some loud shuffling followed by sounds of something splattering into the toilet, and I soon realize it's actually Hailey throwing up into the toilet.

"Hail?" I ask after awhile, hearing distant sounds of dry heaving.

Then the call disconnects and almost a minute later Hailey calls me back but this time it's a facetime. I answer and she gives me a weak smile. "You look beautiful today, bae."

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