𝒆 𝒊 𝒈 𝒉 𝒕

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chapter eight

Cassandra's pov

"Remind me, why do you have to hang up the phone in a few minutes?" Hailey asked. At times she reminded me of child. A forgetful one too. This girl don't remember jack. "I literally explained it to you when you called me while I was getting dressed. I have to go to work. It's Monday at 2 o'clock, shouldn't you be at school?"

"Shouldn't you be at school?" She asked turning the question on me instead of answering it herself. But I answered it just for her to answer the question I asked her. "I don't know how many times I have to repeat it... but I have to go to work. School let me go early. Now your turn."

"I don't do school anymore." Hailey admitted.

I raised my eyebrows. "You don't go to school?"

"I used to. Just not anymore."

"And your mom is okay with that?" I asked pressing the phone closer to my ear as if I had her wrong this entire time. Yeah, my mom had a alcohol problem, and my dad was distant as hell but they still made sure I went to school. Hailey mumbled a 'mhm' in response and I sat on the nearly crowded bus shocked. "Are your parents even black?" A few seconds passed and I heard shuffling in the background. Then it was silent for awhile until her voice returned on the other end. "My bad. But yeah, uh, my moms black."

"Moms as in..."

"Jesus Christ, as in one mom, Cassandra. One African-American mother."

"What about your dad?" I asked and was met will a playful sigh on the other end of the phone. "What you sighing for, I'm genuinely concerned for you. You don't go to school."

"Don't worry about it. I had an education, it's over with." She said trying to throw away the topic I was still stuck on.


"Oh my god." Hailey groaned obviously tired of my questions, and it caused me to let out a few small laughs. "And to think I actually gained the courage to ask for nudes or something, but yo intrigued ass keep asking questions and shit. Killing the mood and whatnot" She joked with a tired tone. I smiled like I had heard the funniest joke ever, it was funny but I just loved talking to Hailey. She was becoming one of my favorite people. We had been talking for a few weeks after I called her while I was drunk. She's just so funny, and nice. A refreshing change from how she was when we first met. A immature asshole. She thinks it's funny when I call her that, but sometimes I be serious.

"Ooh, girl. What boy got you cheesing at yo phone like that?" A older woman probably in her mid twenties, asked who was sitting across the bus from me. I wasn't cheesing. Was I though? I shook my head trying to shrug off the smile.

"I really don't wanna go to work today." I complained picking at the bus seat cover that was peeling.

"Then quit that hoe." She said simply.

"I can't quit my job. I need the money." I didn't tell Hailey the full story about me working because she might blow the entire thing out of proportion and I didn't need her input on that right now. "I can just give you money." She offered.

"That's sweet, but I don't want your money, Hailey." I decline her very generous offer. The girl across picked up my part of the conversation and spoke again. "Ohhh, so it's a girl. And she offering to give you money? Do she got a brother, cause I need a new purse, maybe some new heels..." She started to rant about all the things she needed and I heard Hailey laugh over the phone. "It's not funny."

"Yes, it is."

I noticed my stop was coming up ahead and pulled the string signaling the bus driver to pull over. I stood up and excused myself as I moved passed some people, the bus came to a slow stop right in front the hotel and I mentally groaned. I thanked the bus driver, and stepped off with a few other people as well. The bus pulled off and some of the people went their separate ways, while I looked up at the hotel.

"Are you staring up at the hotel, Cassandra bae?" Hailey asked after some seconds had passed and I nodded as if she could see me. I guess she took silence as an answer. "Your allowed to quit this job and go find any other one."

"I know." I admitted walking up the steps to enter the hotel and pulled open the door and entered. The hotel for the most part looked good but I just hated being here.

"Then quit that hoe!" Hailey said a bit too loudly causing me to move my phone away from my ear. I heard something in the background and I furrowed my eyebrows trying to ponder on what that was, before giving up on it. "Uhh, I have to go. Have a nice day at work, I'll call you whenever."

"Okay, talk to you-"

Call Ended

Dang, ok.

Almost immediately Earl was in front of me, dressed in a red button up shirt with a yellow stain, grey pants, and brown dress shoes. Now that I think of it he reminded me of that neckless guy from 90 day fiancé. "Your late." He said crossing his arms over his chest.

"No, I'm not. I'm on time. My shift starts at two-thirty, it's two-thirty." I said walking pass him and he followed behind me.

"Your hours has been changed. Now it's one to nine." He said causing me to pause in my tracks. "Since when?" I asked. "I didn't get a email or anything. I can't even do nine hours. I have school."

"Since now." He said with a smirk.

Quit that hoe ...

Hailey's words were echoing threw my head.

Quit that hoe...

"I can't do this anymore." I snatched off my lanyard and dropped it to the ground.

"What do you mean?"

"I quit."

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