𝑓 𝑗 𝑓 𝑡 𝑦 𝑠 𝑒 𝑣 𝑒 𝑛

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Cassandra's Pov
((January 3rd 2022))

"And to those of you who are making up work, make sure to turn in your assignments on the online classroom if you want the extra credit." Mr. George, my history teacher, mumbles before bringing his coffee mug to his mouth and taking a sip. The bell rings and everyone starts to gather their stuff, rushing towards the door, ready to get the hell out this building. "Have a nice day. Stay safe and I'll see you all tomorrow." I gently gather my stuff and walk out the class, giving him a soft 'see you tomorrow' to which he responds with a sweet 'you as well'.

It's my first day back at school since break and it's honestly really nice.

My classes moved a lil too slow for my liking, but I am making with progress with my schoolwork and that's all I'm really focused on right now. Well, it's that and work, but I don't start work till the 22nd so I'm good.

After a few seconds of walking I walk up to my locker and start doing the combination to the lock. I end up getting it and grab the Burberry coat Dahlia gave me for Christmas. It's more like a trench coat but it's really cute and the inside is comfortable. I grab the coat, slip it on and put the lock back on my locker, making sure it's closed and locked before walking off.

I have to go down two floors of stairs to get out the building and when I reach the downstairs, Lori, Julia, Christiana, and Reign standing by the main entrance.  "We was waiting for you." Reign said, seeing me come down the steps and the rest of them turn they heads to look at me. "You coming from Mr. George class?"

"Yeah, I had to stop at my locker before I came here though." I say and she nods.

"Ok!" Julia looks up from her phone with a hopeful look. "If we run like hell down the street before three o'clock.. we can catch the bus." She smiles and we all just eye her weird.

Julia's been real serious about catching buses ever since her car broke down.

I know it's smart and somewhat reliable to use public transportation when you don't have your own vehicle that can get you where you wanna go, but Julia has the money to get her car fixed. If she doesn't have the money her parents do so I'm most definitely positive that she can get it fix, and I really don't know why she won't do it.

Lori nods. "That could be an option.. or- and hear me out here. Just hear me out." She inhales a little, "We can just call a uber."

"We'll save twice as much as money if we catch a bus, though." Julia says and before they can say anything else, I tell them we should have this talk outside and not block the door everybody tryna get out of.

I personally refuse to sit up here and be trampled.

They agree that it's a good idea so we leave out the door and just as we do a white Mercedes pulls up and swiftly parks in front, causing everybody to snap they necks and see who it is. In all honesty it kinda looks like the car Hailey bought me, but I don't pay it no mind.

"What was y'all saying?" I turn back to Lori and Julia who still having this bus discussion.

"She's acting like a uber is so expensive." Lori huffs.

"I didn't say it was. But why take an uber we can run down the street really fast for the bus?" Julia furrows her euebrows and I sigh, getting ready for they back and forth. "Julia, you're acting cheap." Lori sighs and Julia gasps loudly. "I am not cheap! Take that back.."

I zone out that conversation and my eyes drift over to the car. Nobody stepped out of it yet so I don't have an idea on who owns it.

If I'm being honest It looks so much like my car. It's freshly painted, no scratches, no marks, it's not dirty, and it's all polished. Another thing is I don't remember my licenses plate numbers all that much but I think those my damn licenses plate numbers.

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