𝒕 𝒘 𝒆 𝒏 𝒕 𝒚

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chapter twenty

Cassandra's pov

"I don't know how you've manage to find places, I don't even know about in your second time visiting here, while I lived here for my entire life and didn't even know the road we took here existed." I said as I closed the door shut behind me aftering getting out of the car.

I looked up at the fifty's looking diner in front of us. The pink and white sign read: ma & mama's breakfast diner. Ma and Mama's? Usually it's Ma and Pa, right? Weird, but I'm all for switching it up every now and then. I'm cut off by the sound of the driver side's door slamming shut. Hailey skips over to me and takes my hand, before intertwining our fingers and pulling me along with her so we can enter the place.

"Don't beat yourself up about it. I didn't know this was here, either. Just drove." She shrugged. I nodded and Hailey pulled the door open for the too of us. "You can seat two people, yeah?" Hailey asked the woman behind the brown desk.

"Of course, right this way." She smiled and we followed her to a booth in the back of the diner. We took our seats across from each other and the woman placed our menus in front of us, and sat down two tall cups of ice cold water. "Your waiter will be right with you." Hailey mumbled a 'thanks' in response and the woman walked away.

There wasn't a lot of people here. An elderly man was in the back enjoying his coffee and hash browns, two middle aged men with hiking gear munching on their pancakes and eggs. Then there were a few others, it wasn't crowded at all though.

"So..." Hailey cleared her throat before taking a sip of her water. "...tell me what's up."


"Like, how you been or what you been up too? I feel like the only time we talk I'm just flirting, or fucking around. But y'know, I genuinely do care about you and I would like to know how you been..." She sat her phone on the table and relaxed in her seat. "...tell me what's up,"

Lord, give me strength.

"Well, uh, mostly just work and hanging out with my friends. I been trying to get my money up, think about what i'm trying to do after graduation. I most definitely know I want to get out of Wisconsin though."

"Alright, that's what you do, how you feel?"

No, because it really seems like she's interested in what i got to say.

So I'mma speak.

"I haven't felt this emotionally stable in awhile. Some things are bad, but they've been worse. It can really-"

"Are you two ladies ready to order?"

Hailey waves him off politely. "I'm sorry, can you give us a second?"

"Of course," He nods and walks away.

"As you were saying." She urges me to continue.

Ok, I'm not a goofy. I know when Hailey is looking at my tits, or looking at my ass when I wake off.

In my eyes there's nothing there, but she still looks. She does it often even know I know she's desperately trying to make it not noticeable, but it is.

Right now though, she's looking at my eyes and my lips, but mostly my eyes.

I feel like I'm being heard. She has a knack for that.

"Oh, um, I feel like I have a lot of responsibility with how my family is. We're kinda going threw some things and I don't want our dynamic to effect my future. I wanna do good things in life."

"I know you can do good things. You're a good person like that." Hailey nods, taking another drink of water. "As corny as it sounds, you can do anything you put your mind to."

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