𝑓 𝑖 𝑓 𝑡 𝑦 𝑓 𝑜 𝑢 𝑟

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((Cassandra's POV))
TW: mentions of self harm, cutting, etc..
(((December 23rd)))
{{*it's very early in the morning*}}


"Open this.. it is for you." Duke smiles sweetly, handing Hailey a rectangular box wrapped in this blue expensive looking Christmas themed wrapping paper.

We're at the hotel sitting in the suite Fantasia and Duke share down the hall from Hailey's room. The party ended three hours ago so now Fantasia and Duke are gifting Hailey her birthday gifts. Fantasia says she only gets a couple of presents today since Christmas is so close. I honestly feel like this year has gone by so fast with all these things happening but it's really be going fast regardless. Me, Rosie, Malik, Axel, and Dahila sit on one couch while Fantasia, Duke, Demi, and Yara, sit on the other couch. Andre, Eric, and Kash took a seat on the sofa and Hailey was sitting on the Lazy-boy opening her gifts. Jalen had left to go see his grandma and Chris, Christiana, and Julia went back to they room due to them having to catch a flight in the morning so they can go back to Wisconsin.

Victoria had left with Daniel. She was real keen on leaving after that lil event happening after Hail told me she loved me. I felt bad but I was actually really happy she told me that so I don't know.

Hailey rips the paper off the box and pulls the flaps open and a couple seconds later she pulls out a green
and creme colored Milwaukee Bucks Jersey.

"Aw, this is cool." Hailey grins, holding up the jersey. The bucks her favorite basketball team with the Bulls being her second favorite team. She says she likes the Hawaii Rainbow warriors too but that they don't really count since they're not professional and just a university team. "Thanks so much, Dad." She gives him a hug and he chuckles.

"Much welcome," Duke smiles, returning the hug and using his free hand to mess up her hair. He really can't deny her if he tried, they look so much alike it's actually kinda crazy.

"That thing was expensive. Those jerseys in high demand." Eric comments, picking up the paper she littered on the rug. "Cherish it."

"It's because of those irritating ass people jumping on the bandwagon. People didn't even rock with them like that until they won the championships." Hailey furrows her brows, sitting the jersey next to her.

"Before y'all get started.." Rosie trails off and hands Hailey a Christmas themed gift bag. "...this from me."

Hailey takes the bag, giving her look before digging in and pulling out a three 7/11 gift cards. "Ouu, damn."

"Now you can buy all the slushees you want." Kash says and Hailey nods. "For sure." She starts digging around in the bag again and pulls out a book. "There's no way you got me a book for my birthday, bro.." Hailey stares at the book with no emotion.

Fantasia smacks Hailey across the back of her head and she yelps a lil. "Tell her 'thank you' I didn't raise no ungrateful kids."

Hailey sighs loudly and her eyes snap over to Rosie. "I appreciate the book, Roslyn. Very nice of you."

"It's a good book. Yo ass might actually learn something from it." Rosie gives her a smile and Hailey looks back down at the book. "..You aren't shit,"

"What's the book called?" Dahlia asks curiously.

"How to be a Decent Human Being: Twenty Simple Things That You Can Do Starting Today! And it's written by Micheal E Smith." Hailey reads out loud and everyone laughs a bit. "That ain't funny." She tries to be all serious but she ends up cracking a smile.

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