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chapter seven

Cassandra pov

"I'm so glad you could make it!" Francesca said to me loudly over the music with a big smile. I raised my eyebrows in surprise because I just walked in, where the fuck did she just come from? "Thanks for inviting me," I said brushing off the shock. My eyes scanned the house it was packed everywhere, but you could tell it was a nice size house. Definitely bigger than mine.

"Is anyone here you know?" She asked following my gaze to the huge crowd of people. I nodded again. "Yeah, but I don't know if they're here yet." You probably wondering why my stupid ass just won't text Chris and Christiana, but I can't because they crazy ass mama took they phones away a couple months ago. I had no idea if they just gonna buy new ones or what.

"Well, why you wait can I get you a drink?" Francesca offered with a smile.

"Of course," I said. She motioned for me to follow her and we made our way threw the huge crowd of sweaty bodies. The lights were off but fairy lights were strung everywhere, the floor was a bit sticky probably because the already drunk people wasted something and didn't care to clean it up. There were a few cups were littered on the ground so you had to watch your step every so often or just kick it out your way. Lil Uzi Vert's voice blasted threw the speakers almost the entire house rapping along with him.

The kitchen was just as packed as the living room. Boys were chugging down beer cans, a couple was making out against the pantry door, girls taking shots at the kitchen counter, and some stoner kids were smoking at the bar passing around blunts and vape pens. A completely different song was playing in here too, some white girl singing threw the speaker that was sitting on top of the grey refrigerator. The light was on in here. Francesca moved past a few people and walked over to the bar. She looked over at me. "So what'll you have?"

"Uhh," I looked over all the drinks lined up. Some were opened with no cap, some were half empty, some weren't even touched yet. I didn't really drink any of the ones that were lined up in front of me though. Maybe some Hennessy every once in awhile or something like Vodka.

"Y'all got punch?"

She smiled. "I was hoping somebody would ask for that." She said going to the refrigerator, and pulled out an unopened bottle of something I couldn't read from here, and grabbed a bowl from the bottom cabinet. Francesca walked back over to me and showed off the bottle to me. I caught a glimpse of it. Jack Daniels Cocktail Punch. She placed both of the things she was holding on the table in front of me, then she walked over to the cooler and grabbed two mixers, vodka, and a juice. "You make it yo self?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Yeah, my brother taught me." She said pouring half the bottle of of the Jack Daniels into the bowl. I made sure to watch every thing she did while making it, cause I don't know her like that. I don't wanna drink this and end up in a bathtub with a kidney missing.

Eventually she got done with the punch and I poured me a cup. She watched me as I took my first sip of it. "You like it?" It was strong as hell but I didn't ask her to make it so it could taste like juice.

"Yeah, it's good," I said taking another short sip. I didn't wanna get wasted like I thought I did earlier, maybe just a lil tipsy.

"Good," Francesca grabbed a nearly empty bottle of Whiskey and pointed towards the backyard where the party was still much going on out there. "Let's go party."


It had been an hour since we left out the house and started partying with everyone outside in the back, but now we were in the front drinking and talking to some of Francesca's friends. Her friends were cool. Their names were Tommy, Nicole, Ashley, Evelyn, and, Brandon. They weren't as fun as mine or Asia's but they were funny. I had another cup of that punch Francesca made after I finished my first one. I was a little more tipsy than normal tipsy but I definitely wasn't drunk and I intended to stay like that.

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