𝒕 𝒉 𝒊 𝒓 𝒕 𝒚 𝒕 𝒘 𝒐

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Chapter thirty two

Cassandra pov

'F-f-fuck! Fuck! Fuck away from me, I'm on the phone! Go away, Graham. C-cassandra? Hey, please p-pick up the phone. I-I miss you so much, baby. I'm so, so, so, so, sorry. I miss you. I'm a little s-stupid because Davis gave m-me too many of my meds. B-but I miss you. I think I'm having a tic a-attack, if Rosie was here she'd know how to fix it...'

'I didn't m-mean to leave you or lie.'

'I don't wanna OD on this shit,'

'Don't touch t-that gun, it has his s-stupid ass finger prints on it. Nah, d-don't fire it.'

All those voicemails were sent to me in the span of fifteen minutes at 2:55 AM.

There first two were directed to me, but the other two were pocket dials.

Hailey also tried to call me a few times but I missed all three of them because I was asleep. I've been up ever since worried out my mind. She didn't have to leave when all that stuff fell out her backpack. She could have stayed and talked it out. But naw, naw, naw, she gotta run away instead of just communicating. That's frustrating.

Everyone had left at one when Fantasia came home and told us it was time to get some sleep. Hailey asked when her Dad would be coming home and Fantasia said at six in the morning. Hail used that to her advantage and decided to sneak out again.

'I'm just trying to get shit done, I promise I'll be back before papa gets home.' She tried to a reassure me throwing on her black hoodie. I rolled my eyes thinking back on the conversation we had a few hours ago.

'Won't she know you're gone if your car isn't in the driveway?'

I was honestly trying to throw out every possibility that would scare her into just staying home and falling asleep.

Unfortunately, it wasn't working.

'I'll just take my skateboard.' She shrugged pulling a dark red longboard from out one of the closets.

Oh, she skateboards?


So not the time, but still...

That's hot.

'What if someone snatches you up?' I asked.

Lord forbid.

'You can't snatch up the snatcher.' She winked with a small laugh.

Not the can't snatch up the snatcher...

The hell she be doing in these streets?

I mean she confessed that she formed a set but never specified what exactly does the set does.

I don't know too much about sets and stuff but I know a lot of them do a lot of drug trafficking, murdering, robberies, auto theft, kidnapping, and money laundering. I heard about some prostitution rings too. If I hear anything about that shit I'm gone.

'This is all worth worrying people.' I asked seeing her hide a knife into her cargo pants pocket. It wasn't noticeable the way she hid it.

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