𝒇 𝒐 𝒓 𝒕 𝒚 𝒆 𝒊 𝒈 𝒉 𝒕

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Cassandra's Pov

Me, Reign, and Lori really didn't end up doing anything too special. We just walked around and talked with each other, occasionally stopping at some gas stations to get snacks. Reign would complain about the prices but still end up buying more stuff than all three of us combined. I really feel like she got some type of sugar addiction but I ain't TLC so we not finna get into it. We talked about school, dream cars, pets, family, commented on the houses we walked by, basically all types of stuff. Eventually I had to part ways with them because I had to go to work. I said 'bye' to them and left, letting myself in the house with my keys since nobody was home.

The house wasn't too far from where we were chilling at and even though I wasn't sweaty, I took a shower before changing into my uniform. The uniform Mike updated by the way. I'm so serious when I ask what possessed him to change them. Like, what was wrong with the old ones?

The pants wasn't anything too complicated. Just your standard pair of khakis. The red shirt read 'SillyGuys Entertainment Park & Attractions!' written in red, blue, green, and yellow, graffiti letters giving off some type of early two thousands feel to it. The back boldly displayed the sentence 'Ask For Assistance If Needed' written in white letters. I wasn't too fond of that 'ask for assistance' part but my Mama sum type of drunk and bills need to be paid.

I slipped my black and white Chuck Taylor sneakers on and laced them up. I grabbed some perfume I had on my dresser and sprayed some on my body, then grabbed some lipgloss and applied it to my lips. I didn't really know what to do with my hair so I just ended up combing through it and putting it in a ponytail last minute.

Checking myself out in the mirror, I decided this was the best it was gonna get. I grabbed my phone, my purse, and did my usual routine of pecking the photo of me and Hailey before rushing down the stairs.

Already opened mail that contained past due utility bills littered the coffee table with bottles of nearly empty alcohol standing by. Seeing that is actually depressing.

I grabbed my fully charged AirPods and made my way out the door, locking the house up behind me.

It's actually a little chilly out here so I'm glad I brought a jacket. I slip on the jacket a couple blocks after I realize I don't have to withstand this cold ass weather, and a car slowly halts to a stop next to me, rolling the window down.

That's all it takes me to fly off running. Not ashamed either. I'm saying I flew thee fuck off.

Who finna get shot up? Not me! Who finna get kidnapped? Aht, not me.

"Cassie, where are you going?" I heard a familiar voice ask. I whip around to see Francessa standing at the driver side of the car with a confused look on her face.

"To work," I reply a lil loudly due to the distance. "...if you had been somebody with criminal intent I probably would have been somewhere to seek a safe place to hide out."

"I can give you a ride if you want." She offers.

"No, it's okay. The walk isn't really that far." I shrug. That was kind of a lie. The walk was walking distance but it was the worst kind of walking distance. The far kind.

"Are you sure? It's not a problem, I'm not doing anything." She offers again. I don't really know why I'm declining, but I guess it couldn't hurt. I nod, making my way to the car being welcomed by the smell of cinnamon and the warm temperature.

Once I put my seatbelt on and get settled she starts driving. "So, you're at SillyGuys?" She asks after a few minutes had passed and I mumble a 'yeah'.

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