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Cassandra's Pov
((January 10th & January 11th 2021))
• • chapter sixty • •

"Cassie, you have a sister."

I just stare at the three of them and say nothing in response, letting they words wash over me like water from a hot, irritating ass, shower. A shower you take when you sick as hell and now you tryna sweat yo fever out. If I'm being honest, I don't really care too much about that lil ass sister reveal and I really don't know what to say to that. I'm feeling a lil more emotions then usual right now and it's really messing with my head. I feel a lil sad, betrayed, but I'm mostly feeling anger, so right then and there I decide any other emotion I'm feeling is irrelevant.

My anger justified too. I missed out on so much shit, I sacrificed so much shit, and for what? So he could take care of a daughter he not even legally responsible for? What kind of bullshit is that?

If he wanted to keep the girl a secret and go out his own way to make sure she was safe and well cared for, while still making sure to pay his bills and everything he needed to do, it would've been all good, but he made me do it.

He made me get a job, made me neglect my school work to focus more on the job, made me neglect my mental health.

All the times I coulda been enjoying myself, I was working my ass off to try and help my family while my Dad basically neglected the family in front of him to take care of a daughter he put for adoption. Adoption.

And let's not get started on the money- You know what? Forget all that. Let's get started on the money.

The last check I had, I spent on last month's overdue light bill just so we wouldn't have to spend our days in the dark. If it wasn't for Hailey giving me all the money she gave me, I would be broke. And I have a job, a nice job with decent pay and I still would be fucking broke. I took on so much responsibility for what? I put myself in such a stupid ass finically unstable position and for what?? So fucking stupid.

"This wasn't the way you were supposed to find out but it's great if you think about it. Right?" Dad speaks carefully.

Slowly I snap out my thoughts, snapping my eyes up to meet his. "Great? How is this supposed to be great, Eliot-" He cuts me off, shaking his head. "You call me Dad. Any other mess is disrespectful."

"Disrespectful? I don't care what's disrespectful. You want respect? You should have never had me paying your mortgage."

"Cassie, he's your Dad." The woman, whose name I still haven't managed to get yet tries to defend him. "..And he was only trying to help his child."

She really need to not even try it.

He a grown man and he can most definitely speak for himself.

Why is she even talking to me in the first place?

"Why are you talking to me like I know you?" I look at her, furrowing my eyebrows in a mixture of disgust and genuine confusion. "Besides he isn't even responsible for her anymore. He was responsible for us."

"And I did a lot of this family." He tells me and I roll my eyes. "You didn't do anything. You've never done anything. I was more of a parent to myself than you ever were." That's the truth too.

"I was helping your sister!" He gets loud and at one point that would have scared me, but I'm grown now. He don't scare me no more.

And what sister? I don't got no damn sister. I don't claim her ass. Depending on how Henry take this news I might not have a brother next.

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