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chapter twenty three

Cassandra pov

I sighed as I tapped a random pen I found on the counter while this boy dressed like one of those country church goers was trying to persuade me to give him my number. I kept trying to tell him how I wasn't interested but he was very persistent, everyone I worked with found this to be the most goofiest shit they ever witnessed apparently. It wasn't to me though, it was irritating as hell. He had started listing off all the reasons that I wouldn't give him my number. I don't think he could comprehend that I wasn't interested in him at all. 

“Is it because I approached you in the wrong manner?”

“No,” I replied softly.

‘Is it because I'm white?”


“Is it because my hair is messy? I promise it’s not always like this." He asked running his hands threw his thin blonde hair. It was as if I would actually use his hairstyle to determine if I wanted him to have my number or not.

“No.” I frowned, because I'm actually getting sick of him.

“Is it because I'm ugly?” He asked and I rolled my eyes.

“You're not ugly!" I snapped getting irritated. 'I’m just not into you. I think you should just go in. you're holding up the line.” I told him pointing to the line behind him.

“I think it wouldn't hurt to just give me a chance, ma’am. I can treat you really nice, take you on an apple picking date, we can even praise the lord together. I can tell you're a swell gal, you smell nice. Where I come from, if a girl smells nice she’s worth fighting for.” He gave me a toothy smile and I cringed a little.

Should I just tell him that I'm gay?

I shouldn't actually have to tell him though. He should have just took the first 'no' for an answer and left it at that, but here we are. I opened my mouth to just tell him off but Summer came over and just had to put her two cents in.

“Oh my god this is literally getting sad. I’m literally standing right here and you're begging for her number? Do you see me? Do you see her? She spends, like, hours on her makeup.” She sighed obnoxiously.

“No. I don't.” I furrowed my eyebrows. I mean I do use makeup, but I don't use a lot of it. Not that it was wrong to use a lot of it, but still.

"Let's not lie in front of the pretty boy, Cassie," Summer smirked and I sighed shaking my head. "You wear so much makeup. But I mean like good for you but i could never. I literally could never, i'm just too lazy?" She sighs.

Summer reminds me of one of those cringey tiktok point of views that makes fun of pick me girls. Not only does she remind me of those pick me girls, but she also reminds me of Andre's girlfriend from 'Victorious'.

Damn, why did I ever stop watching that?

Oh, wait, I remember.

My grandma didn't like how they portrayed Andre's grandma to be all crazy and stuff. I just ended up sticking to 'tru jackson vp' and 'iCarly" and a few Disney shows.

'I can see your wearing foundation," I say simply snatching myself out of my thoughts.

"No, my skin is naturally perfect." She smiles. "I could never spend hours a day wasting all my time trying to look good."

"Are you saying it's a bad thing?" Christiana asks a few inches away from me.

"No, but i'm just trying to give you a piece of advice. You see, the guys i hang out with are pretty great and they thinks it's awesome that I go for a all natural look." She shrugs.

"I think she looks great." The guy says.

"Who cares what you think? Your trying to ask a fag out." She snaps and my eyes widen at her use of the word because...

Who the fuck-

"What did you just call me?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

“Ooh, shit bitch." I hear Lamont laugh from behind me. "I should've got some popcorn. Fuck it, if something happen make sure to come get me. Like I'm serious. As soon as Cassie goes ahead and snatch that raggedy ass lace front out her head, call my name.” He runs to the break room to microwave his popcorn and all eyes our on me and Summer.

“I called you a fag. What are you gonna do about it?" She asked throwing her hands up in the air.

“Wait, your gay?” The guy asks with a confused look on his face.

“The gayest of that gay!" She screams loudly.

“You know what? You've been slick at the mouth since I met you. But Imma make sure after I slap you in it, you gain some sense." I grab my hair tye from my wrist and use it to put my hair in a tight messy bun.

“Let’s go, I ain't scared." She shrugs kicking off her flats.

“Chick fight!” A white guy screams from the line.

“Nah, bro. This shit going on worldstar…” A black boy yells and suddenly everyone has their phone out. Anything for Snapchat viewers.

I'm about to hop over the desk and get ready to fight Summer but I feel some hands pull me back. I look over my shoulder and see it's Christiana. “Cassie, you need to seriously think about what you're doing before you do this. Are you really gonna let her obnoxious ass cost you to lose your job?" She asks.

“I’m sick of her treating me like a punk, didn't you hear her literally just out me to the building." I say shrugging her off of me and hop over the desk with ease. It probably ain't a big deal but she really did just sit up there and out me to all these people. Maybe it don't matter because I'm out, but I'm only out to close friends and my family.

And the only reason I'm out to my family is because my mama don't know how to keep her mouth shut.

A few minutes pass and I'm top of Summer taking jabs at her left and right. People are screaming, and I can already see the comments on YouTube from the white people.

'Look at them ghetto ass niggers! Can't even act accordingly in a place of work.'

'This is ridiculous and unprofessional! My daughter loved this place, but me and my husband will no longer be taking her here!'

I don't care. I'm not about to let no one disrespect me. I feel Summer yank but bun in an attempt to get me off of her, but I just hit her in the head. I hear all the screaming, laughing, and people trying to get me off of her. One voice sticks out though.

"Summer? Cassie? What are you doing?"

I looked up from Summer's face and security rushing over to get us.

And Mike is right next to them...

A/N: i fucking hate this chapterrrrrrrrrr i got writersblock so bad

but i rly rly wanted to hurry up and get some chapters out before Cassandra birthday so im rly rly rly pissed at myself but i hope u guys forgive for this awful chapter i promise no more awful chapters from here on out because awful chapters are always rushed

but thanks 4 reading it's love always❤

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