From the authors

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This story and characters is completely inspired by the game "Life is Strange 2"

It takes place in late August 2016, and you, as the reader, are either reading from your point of view, Sean's or Daniel's, or any other character's you'll meet.

In this story you are Sean's girlfriend.
(She/Her) pronouns will be used for you.
If you are uncomfortable with that, there are two other versions of this story with a male reader, and a non-binary reader on our page.

ALSO, if you didn't see in the description,
because this story contains mentions of:

Eating Disorder
Self Harm
Physical and Mental abuse


Incase you're unfamiliar with "x reader" story abbreviations:

(Y/N) = Your name
(M/N) = Your middle name
(L/N) = Your last name
(E/C)= Eye color
(F/F) = Favorite food
(F/S) = Favorite song

If you see:

<<<<Play Music>>>>

in a specific part of a chapter, that means that there is an option for you to play the music that's linked on the top of the page/chapter. It's completely optional (cus who are we to tell you what to do while you read), but we DEFINITELY recommend it for a more ~enhanced~ and ~immersive~ experience, because music makes everything better :p


There are two authors writing this story and contributing to writing out the plot

With Life is Strange: True Colors coming out and the Life is Strange 2 fandom slowly dying (💔💔), we're not even sure if many people will even read this, but this story was written for fun, and we both enjoyed writing the first few chapters so far, so we hope you, hopefully one of the few remaining Sean Diaz stans, enjoy reading them. :)

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now