House Tour

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Your POV

1 week later

My eyes began to focus on my old room.

In my mother's house.

How the fuck did I get back here? I must be dreaming.

I stood up from my bed and slowly walked around, until I heard banging on my door.




They only grew louder and louder as I curled into a ball on the floor, covering my ears, and squeezing my eyes shut.

But I open my eyes at the right moment, to see my door break down.

My mother towering on top of me, now reaching down to grab me. I almost let out a scream, until —



I snapped awake to somebody calling my name.

Jesus Christ, can I not catch a break?

"(Y/N), wake up," Lyla said while kneeling next to me, "Your phone is ringing."

I turned over; my phone was ringing.

Sean's name flashed across my screen.

"I'm gonna go grab dinner downstairs," Lyla stood up and walked out of her bedroom door before I answered the phone.

"Hello?" I answered tiredly.

"Guess what?" He said.


"My dad just told me that the construction people or whatever finished my house!"

My jaw dropped in awe, "No fucking way!"

Well, that was fast.

"Yeah! My dad said we could all go check it out later, and maybe spend the night."

"Okay, that sounds great," I smiled, "I'm pretty sure we'll be free in about 20 minutes. We're about to have dinner."

"Oooh, what are you having?" He asked, sounding intrigued.

"Yu-jin made chicken alfredo pasta," I answered.

"Well, I better not keep you on the phone too long, you and Lyla can meet me by my dad's house when you're ready."

"We will," I reassured.

"Alright, see ya soon!"


I barely got to set my phone down before he texted me:

"make it quick tho pls -_-"

"i should eat like a snail just because u said that"

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now