Are We There, Yet?

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Your POV

Two days later

"Ooo! Look! There's a sign! Are we there yet?" Daniel bounced, looking at both of us back and forth.

Sean was tired, I was tired. And Daniel still has no clue what happened.

I definitely envy him.

He thinks we're on some type of fun trip, but in reality... I have no idea what we're doing.

The three of us slept under a bridge last night, so my back was still cramping.

Way to add on to the list of pain I've felt on my back this year. At least my scars from... before... were sort of healing.

"Dude, stop!" Sean answered, "You know what? You aren't allowed to say that ever again!"

"Yes sir." Daniel rolled his eyes.

"You'll be the first one to know when we get there, okay?" Sean looked up from Daniel to me, possibly to make sure that I was still there. I've barely said a word. I haven't had the energy to speak. I definitely feel like Sean has noticed too.

"Look," Sean said, walking ahead, "This looks like the perfect place to camp out."

"It's creepy! And we didn't see any cars..."

"We're gonna camp here. I'll look out for you. Both of you," Sean turned back again, but once he saw that I still continued to look down, with my arms crossed, he completely turned to face me.

I had somebody close to a father figure, and now he's fucking dead. And I can't help but think it was my fault.

What if I had forced them to get off the game earlier?

What if I didn't trip and fall into Sean?

What if I told Daniel we should play in the back, instead?

What if I pulled away from Sean earlier?

What if I didn't take my attention off of Daniel for so long?

Everything about that situation just loops back to me.

It was my fault.

Sean and Daniel are father-less, we're out in the middle of nowhere, because of me.

Sean's POV

(Y/N) fell behind Daniel and I, walking
with her head low, her arms crossed. She looked deep in thought, I didn't like that, because when she's deep in thought, it's normally something negative about herself.

"Hey..." I gently said, slowly approaching her, "Are you okay over here?"

She nodded her head and kept walking, "Yeah... yeah, I'm good."

"(Y/N)," I sighed, putting my hands on her shoulders to cease her movement, "Look at me."

It took her a moment, but she looked me in the eyes.

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now