Into the Woods

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a/n: you can play the music above if/when you want :) i was just listening to it while i wrote this chapter, so perhaps you'd want to listen while you read it? i dunno LOL

Sean's POV

After a little more walking, the three of us found a sort of cave looking thing. Daniel said it was creepy, but (Y/N) found the right words to convince him that it wasn't bad.

She definitely has a way with words.

Daniel said he wanted to "fortify the base", so we let him. She agreed to help him while I unpacked a little.

Luckily, I brought the blanket that Daniel had over his head that day to scare us, so I laid that on the ground.

I also brought chips and soda... and at first, this was just for a little lunch at Dad's house with Daniel.

Now it's all we have.

I took out my sketchbook and placed it in my lap.

Then, I moved the things in my bag around. Nothing but old junk from school, a picture of Dad, his lighter, my ID, and....

A newspaper clipping of that day.

Shooting In South Seattle.

I hated seeing my street in that newspaper, I hated seeing my name in that newspaper.

I hated seeing (Y/N)'s name in that newspaper.

I hated seeing Daniel's name in that newspaper.

But the three of us are wanted for some shit that we didn't even do. They already framed the death of a police officer on... me.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Hey, I don't know what you're thinking about that... but it's not your fault."


I turned around to see her standing behind me, peering over my shoulder.

"Aren't you supposed to be helping Daniel?"

"I was," She sat down next to me, "But he said he could handle gathering the sticks and I wanted to check on you."

"Oh, well I'm fine," I lied.

"You aren't acting like it," She scooted closer to me, so now we were sitting shoulder to shoulder, "And I know that you aren't supposed to be fine — none of us are fine, so you don't have to lie. Especially to me... y'know, before you tell Daniel."

"I know, but it's just..." I trailed off, "It's just too much to process at once."

"And, Sean, bottling it in will only make it worse," She placed her hand on my leg.

"Okay, so... how are you feeling right now?"

"Like shit."

I nodded my head, that was a valid response, "Me too."

We shared a look after, and gave each other tiny smiles.

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