Moving Day

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Your POV

Yu-jin continued to squeeze me into a hug on Sean's front porch.

"Oh, (Y/N) I'm going to miss you and your presence so much!" She said.

She had come to pick up Lyla, and she brought my box with her, meaning that I was officially moved out of Lyla's house, and officially moving in with Sean.

"This past week, you've been like a second daughter to me."

This made me smile.

You were nothing but a mother to me, Yu-jin.

I wanted to say that out loud, but I figured it would sound too sappy.

"Okay, mom," Lyla called from the car. Sean and I already said bye to her, and it wasn't like we weren't going to see her later this week. "Are you done?" She asked.

"She's such a hater," Yu-jin whispered, before releasing me.

I heard Sean walk down the stairs to wave goodbye to Lyla and Yu-jin. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me toward him, while we both waved to Lyla and Yu-jin, as they began their drive home.

Even after Yu-jin drove off, Sean still held onto me for a little while longer, us both standing in silence.

"Okay, okay," Sean released me, "We gotta get to work!"

"Ugggghhh," I groaned as I turned to face him, "But that's the worst part."

"It's okay! I'll help you if you at least start on your room," He gave me a smile, then started up the stairs.

"Fine," I joined him, then we parted ways. I turned into my room, and he looped the corner to begin walking up the other flight of stairs, but then he stopped.

"Hey, if you need anything, I'm up here."

"I know, I know," I dragged.

"Don't be so pouty! It's moving day!"

He gave me stupid finger guns and made a stupid face, which made me laugh regardless.

"You're so dumb," I smiled.

He returned the smile, "Whatever."

3 hours later

"Let's go get frozen yogurt," The boy said.

And how could I disagree with the way he hung on my door frame, then started bouncing on his toes after he asked.

It's now around 7 p.m. Sean and I are in the car, on the way to a frozen yogurt shop that was just down the street.

I've finished with my room, and I'm sure that Sean finished with his too.

Mine looks better, of course. I hung up rainbow string lights (that I "borrowed" from Lyla's closet), got all of my clothes situated into the closet.
There wasn't much to decorate my room with for now, but I suppose it was a start.

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