Bear Station

417 11 0

Your POV

And we were walking again — downhill this time, so it was easier.

But I still managed to fall behind everytime we walked because I began thinking about how tired I am of this.

Sean always led the way.

Daniel followed close behind him.

Both of them occasionally looked back at me, who was still pretty close to them, but far enough to cause worry.

Maybe I'll get used to this. I better get used to this. I really don't wanna be a burden. And I don't want to add to the list of things Sean has to deal with.

"Hey, guys!" Daniel stopped walking and looked between Sean and I, "What if we find... a milkshake shop?"

"Ah, yes," Sean sarcastically said, "A forest secret milkshake shop!! Keep dreaming, dude."

"That would be pretty cool, Daniel," I told him, "We should build one."

"Yeah, totally! I could use my pick-axe to go mine some wood, and we could go get some milkshake ingredients, then we'd have our very own secret forest milkshake shop! Only super cool campers are allowed in it though." This really excited Daniel.

"Are we super cool campers?" I asked him.

"Of course you are! Sean though... He's a pretty cool camper too."

Sean and I laughed at that.

"Cool." I smiled, then it faded quickly.

Sean noticed when he looked at me.

He walked over to where I was standing, then wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me into a hug.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked.

"I'm okay," I lied, "How bout you?"

"I've definitely been better," He patted my head before pulling away.

He took my hand and announced to both Daniel and I, "Let's walk a little more. There will be a rest stop or something where we can buy food. I'm sure of it."

"Okay," Daniel saluted to Sean before turning around and walking ahead.

Daniel began humming a song, then turned to face us again, "Ooo! When we go back to your house, we gotta play Guitar Fighter again!"

A memory of Daniel, Sean and I playing Guitar Fighter in the basement stung in my chest. I'm already nostalgic about something that happened like... a month ago. It was almost painful to think about — knowing that we'll most likely never get to do that again.

I sucked it up though, Daniel still doesn't know that, "Yeah, so I can beat you two again?"

"Hey, I've been practicing!" Sean said from beside me.

"And you let Daniel beat you while you were both playing on Easy mode... you think that's practice?"
"Daniel didn't beat me!"

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now