Settling in With The Park's

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Your POV

It was later that night, Lyla was still asking me questions about Sean.

Probably because I didn't tell her about the kiss yet, because thinking about it made me miss him even though I've only been away from him for around 12 hours.

I have told her a lot though, like how he's a great friend.

How he's always there for me.

What a dork he is.

How sweet he is.

And how he's such an awkward potato, but that was my favorite thing about him.

He would do something, like kiss you on the cheek, and act so bold, until you look up at him afterwards and he's all red.

"(Y/N), you've been stalling all day," Lyla said, "You still haven't told me about the 'bruises' yet!"

"Ugh! I thought you forgot!"

"Not whenever I look down and see three purple markings right there on the side of your neck, (Y/N). Nobody is forgetting about that until they go away." She laughed.


Lyla scooted closer to me, and sat on the edge of her bed, "I'm all ears."

"Okay well, we snuck out - but you already know that."


"And we went to the playground down the road and played around, I took his beanie and ran but of course he caught me, but overall it was pretty fun."

Now here's the part of the story that I had to bend.

I didn't want Sean to know what happened to me (but he found out anyway), and I definitely didn't want Lyla on my case about it either.

I hate it when people worry about me, it makes me feel bad.

I looked up at Lyla, who looked really interested in the story, before I continued.

"We went to sit on the playground together," I started slowly.

"We were stargazing..." I lied, "And...."

I paused to look down, trying to think of ways to bend the story even more.

That's the part where I asked Sean if he even cared about me.

That's the part where he showed me that he did.

That's the part when he... found out.

"(Y/N)?" Lyla noticed my silence, "You okay?"

"Yeah, um.." I collected myself, "We stargazed, then we kissed, then it escalated." I gave her a fake smile.

"Wow, and have the nerve to sit there and tell me that you guys aren't in love," Lyla sat back, since she was leaning in while I was telling the story.

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now