A Little Update :]

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Hi best friends.

I feel as though it's time for me to come back on here and address what's happened with this story.
To put it simply:
I've lost interest in Life is Strange like, a lot.
Originally, I was going to continue this story until the end of the game, but I just couldn't write it that well anymore because I wasn't really into it anymore.

And also I'm sorry for ending on a sort of cliffhanger, too.
If you must know:
Sean and Daniel were whispering in bed about how much they loved (Y/N), but they knew they couldn't tell her yet because (Y/N) wasn't quite ready to hear those words. So Daniel leans over and tells Sean how he wishes he could tell her, and Sean told him that they would tell her, one day.

This isn't necessarily me saying that I completely give up on this story, but as of right now I have it marked as completed because I didn't want to put out half-assed content.

I have been putting all of my time into my own original story recently, that's not a fanfiction of any sort and not about Life is Strange at all. And I've just been getting lost that this little world I've created 2 years ago.
I've also been working on an EP, and album for a long time, too.
Basically everything but thinking about this story, or story-based video games, really.

So for now, I have fixed a couple mistakes. For example, on the male and NB reader, I've fixed all of the pronoun errors I could find — which I apologize for. I mainly wanted to write this story for myself, someone who uses (they/she, but mostly she), but I also wanted to be inclusive to others that didn't, and still wanted to enjoy this story, too.
And since I technically had nobody to proofread my work after I copied and pasted it and changed the pronouns, there were still many errors left behind. And since my eyes allowed me to skip certain parts of re-reading through it, I would've never known if you guys didn't leave behind numerous comments in the places I slipped up. So thank you for that lol.

Anyways, I'll most likely be going IA on here again since I forgot I even had this story on here in the first place and I've found other things to be interested in for the time being.
I have thought long and hard about deleting this story, but I've decided against it because SO many people have read it and told me they loved it.
So before I go I'd like to thank you all for the positive messages you guys have been leaving behind. It means a lot that some silly thing my friend and I began working on because we were bored in quarantine last year is bringing SO many people joy and endearment. Because we definitely weren't expecting THIS many people to read it haha.

Giving all of you the warmest hug :)

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now