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(a/n:  You, Sean and Daniel all play "Guitar Fighter" in this chapter, so if you want to listen to the music while you read, its right there waiting for you :) Just look for
" <<<Play Music>>>"
or don't LOL thats your choice)


Your POV

"So... why are you moving in with Lyla?" Daniel asked me, circling around the counter to grab my empty cereal bowl that Sean made for me, gently placing it in the sink. He then took a seat on the barstool in the kitchen, directly across from Sean and I.

"My mom... didn't like me at all," I began, "So she told me I wasn't allowed to go home."

"Oh, I'm sorry," Daniel said. "Our mom didn't like us either."

I remember Sean telling me about his mom, how she just abandoned them all. He always hated talking about her, so he never did. I've only heard of her once.

"Yeah. Shit sucks."

"(Y/N)!" Sean gave my arm a light slap.

"What? Like you don't cuss around him all the time."

Sean sighed, resting his elbows on the counter, "That's different, I'm his brother."

"Wait, so (Y/N), what happened to your neck? I asked Sean last night but he didn't answer." Daniel bounced in his seat.

I saw Sean quickly shift his gaze from his hands, to Daniel.

I chuckled a bit before answering:
"Your brother's a vampire-"

Sean immediately covered my mouth with his hand before I could say anything else. "Don't listen to her!"

"Hmm? Hmm mmmm!" I tried to say.

Sean took his hand down from my mouth to let me speak.

"What? It's true!" I repeated.

"That doesn't mean you have to tell him!"

"What if I wanted to?"

"Stop wanting to."

"What are you guys talking about?" Daniel interrupted. "What do you mean he's a vampire?"


"No." Sean stood up from his seat and took my head in his hands from behind, holding my forehead down to his stomach with one hand, and his other hand over my mouth, again.

"Hm, mmmm mm! Mmm mm mmmm! (Oh come on! Let me talk!)"

"Nobody can hear you, (Y/N)," Sean said from above me.

I was fighting to get out of his grip, but his hand on my forehead refused to let me move.

"Ugh! Sean! Why won't you let her tell me!" I heard Daniel say.

"Because I said so!"

"Well she didn't say so!"

We're Just Kids (Sean Diaz x Fem Reader)Where stories live. Discover now